The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 2 Review: Tuscany!

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Who gets uninvited from their niece’s wedding? Kyle Richards in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 2, that’s who. 

No one can say that the Richards family doesn’t put the fun in dysfunctional…but there’s not much fun in getting the phone call from sister Kathy Hilton. Kathy told Kyle it might be better if she didn’t come to Nicky Hilton’s fairytale wedding in London.

Why? That’s the question of the hour. It’s not as though they couldn’t afford another place setting at dinner. 

Even stranger was that Kyle was later re-invited along with two of her daughters who were actually in the wedding party…but Mauricio and the other kids still didn’t make the guest list. 

Seriously? Who invites the wife but not the husband or one child but not the siblings? Money and fame make people very strange.

But Kyle wasn’t talking. Goodness knows Lisa Vanderpump did her best to push for answers. That entire meal was so uncomfortable. Lisa just doesn’t know when to let a subject drop, but it was Kyle that made me laugh when she said to the camera that her family drama was “nobody’s business.”

Um, I’m pretty sure it became everybody’s business when you started talking about it on reality TV!

Kyle’s relationship with her sister may be in shambles, but she just spent an extended vacation with her husband and children on a private yacht with private chef as they toured the most scenic ports in Europe. So I don’t think we’re going to start crying any tears for Kyle just yet. 

Back in Beverly Hills, Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson visited Yolanda Foster and marveled at her drug closet that rivals the one I keep my clothes in. 

Yolanda just went to the dentist to have her fillings removed because she’s worried about the heavy metals in her body. 

I get it, but did we really have to follow along? I hate going to my own dentist; I really didn’t need to visit Yolanda’s.

And David seemed to feel the same. That hand holding moment felt like it was played out for the cameras because he simply couldn’t wait to get out of there. That heavy sigh he let out as the door closed made it sound like he wanted to be anywhere else but in that office holding his wife's hand. 

A few other things worth mentioning…

  • Lisa Rinna loves the “big, fat, f*ckin’ diamonds” she got for her birthday.
  • Lisa Rinna refers to her husband as “Harry Hamlin” not Harry or my husband when speaking about him to her kids’ friends.
  • Yolanda Foster had a two-foot-long parasite removed from her body.
  • If Lisa Vanderpump were a Bond girl, she’d be Pussy Galore.
  • Ken may not want a 70th birthday party, but he’s getting a tiny horse?!?
  • Mauricio gets lost in Tuscany, but he’s driving a Ferrari ,so who really cares?

Still no sign of the new Housewives, but the promo makes it look as though at least one of them pops up next week, clothing optional. 

If you can’t wait for more drama, you can watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online here at TV Fanatic.

Tuscany! Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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