DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Marooned

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Well, crap.

What's your guess? How did Snart take care of the Heat Wave problem on DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 7?

Did he freeze his friend and one time protector to death, or did he return the favor once given him, protecting Mick one last time by freezing him moments from death similar to Ray's earlier fate outside the ship and maroon him in an unknown land?

Given the new man Snart has become, I'm honestly unsure. It could go either way. I'm not a fan of the questionable ending, though.

Fired Up! - DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 7

This whole installment was far from impressive. 

You'd think giving Rip some backstory would make him more interesting, but instead giving him the story they did actually made him more irritating. Does the guy do ANYTHING for reasons other than love? It's sickening.

He appears to be driven only by his small brain, yet grand tales of the great Time Master are before him wherever he goes. I don't buy it.

While I appreciate that the cast is getting smaller, taking away cast members I find pleasurable is also irritating. 

A lot of people, I see from social media, don't like MIck Rory aka Heat Wave. They're probably happy to see him go. I'm not one of those people. 

On the other hand, we had a completion of the flirtation between Ray and Kendra, while the friendship deepened between Sara and Snart. Sara will most likely retain a bisexual stand at least, so that should save us from two thriving relationships on board. 

In other words, I'm not all in for love on board. Perhaps in my irritation of all things, I didn't make myself clear. Hopefully this late night update helps.

Mick showed small signs of growing, but not fast enough for him to remain on board a ship and to be entrusted to save lives. He didn't deserve to die.

Snart knows that, and it's highly unlikely he killed a man he loved. Wherever Mick is, he's likely alone and someplace where he will be forced to sit and realize what he lost.

Don't you imagine him at some point being picked up as a reserve? He never even got to set things on fire. His IQ was certainly higher than meat (screw you Rip), he and proved himself quite valuable when it came to protecting teammates, just as he did Ray in the gulag.

What do you guys think of the spaceships? I'm really glad Stein spoke on my behalf when he said he had no idea they could go into deep space, because it was confusing.

Even more confusing was trying to keep all of the space ships apart once there were two, a jump ship and a flash back in the picture. Unfortunately, using different colored neon lighting didn't help in the least. 

I was trying to keep an eye on Rip's jacket length and haircut, the lighting and to remember which characters were where and when, but the story wasn't thrilling enough to care all that much. 

The chuckling began when Sara and Kendra were kicking ass during a fight scene and Ray and Snart came out guns blazing. I'm all for women's rights and all that, but doesn't anybody else think that whole thing is just crazy? 

The best part of the hour was when Snart and Sara were bonding and freezing to death, proving once again the show could go on with them and no one else. I thought it was cool that Snart asked Sara about dying and that he offered up the tale of meeting Mick for the first time.

What do you guys think? Is Mick marooned or dead? Will you be sorry to see him and his smart mouth go? What did you think of the rest of the episode?

Drop me a line and don't forget you can watch DC's Legends of Tomorrow online any time via TV Fanatic.

For a look at what's ahead, get a look at the promo for DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 8!

Marooned Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

I'm sore because I was recruited for my unique ability to set things on fire, and now I'm locked in the one place where I can't set things on fire! A spaceship!


Stein: I get the strangest sensation, like I'm a 10-year-old kid again.
Mick: Did a lot of space travel as a kid, professor?