Buffy the Vampire Slayer Rewatch: Bad Eggs

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Let the holiday season begin! After two weeks away with projects, we're back to turn on the rewatch. Unfortunately, it has to be with Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12.

It's not that "Bad Eggs" is, well, a bad egg. It's just not good. And it's simply at the bottom of my rewatch list, so much so that I purposely skip it.

Don't believe me? Join me in rewatching "Bad Eggs."

Single Egg Mother - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I can't even with the Gorch brothers. They may be one of the worst minor guest villains ever. It's obvious they were set up to potentially come back later as a dangerous foe.

One of the reasons "Bad Eggs" was so bad was that much of the narrative focused on the point-of-view of the vampire brothers.

We've seen villains come and go, but we didn't follow them in the moments between fighting Buffy. These scenes were saved for the Big Bads. Suffice it to say, these vampire brothers were not season-long villains.

Buffy saving the girl's life was a standard Slayer requirement. Though, that girl was strangely rude to Buffy for no reason. Buffy did nothing except interrupt.

Kindness goes a long way, and Buffy saved her life.

Gorch Prey - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

Joyce and Buffy had a really rocky relationship.

I've pointed out Joyce's shady comments in the past, with her constantly throwing out lines at her daughter. Though, they've never felt more inconsistent than in "Bad Eggs."

For some reason, Buffy not getting the dress was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Nothing Buffy could do would change Joyce's opinion of her and her punishment streak. I have a feeling this had something to do with the events of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 11. Joyce was still reeling from the effects of Ted on their family.

Joyce saw her daughter as a delinquent and an aggressor. The change she was pushing after all these episodes was a lie.

Closet Kisses - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

If you were Cordelia or Xander, would you have hidden the affair?

I understand the dynamics of high school and what that meant on their social lives. However, the sooner they got it out in the open, the sooner they could make a decision for their future. They seemed more attracted to the secret/salaciousness of it all than the relationship.

My favorite moment of "Bad Eggs" has to be the science classroom discussion. Cordelia and Xander were oversharing too much in their barbs toward each other.

When I was seven years old (and didn't understand much of the dating world), I found this scene hilarious because it was clear they had feelings for each other. Even now, it is still the best scene of the episode. Just look at Willow's satisfied face when she gets her right answer; it is perfection.

Cordelia's question has always been one of the biggest mysteries to me. Was she actually talking about a "friend" or was it her? I guess we'll never know.

Mr. Whitmore: It’s often difficult to imagine that there are negative consequences for having sex. Would anyone care to offer one such consequence?
[Cordelia raises her hand]
Cordelia: Well that depends, are you talking about sex in the car or out of the car? Because I have a friend, not me, that was in a Miatta parked at the top of the hill and kicked the gear shift...”
Mr. Whitmore: I was thinking of something a little more common place, Ms. Chase.
[Xander raises his hand]
Xander: You want to talk about negative consequence. What about the heartbreak of halitosis? I mean, a girl may seem spiffy but if she ignores her flossing, the bloom is definitely off the rose.
[Cordelia raises her hand]
Cordelia: Like that compares to kissing a guy who thinks the hoover technique is a big turn on?
Xander: What about having to feign interest in her vapid little chitchat just so you can get some touch?
Mr. Whitemore: Now! Another consequence of having sexual activity. Anyone...else?
[Willow raises her hand]
Willow: How about pregnancy? That would be a major one, right?
Mr. Whitmore: Thank you, Ms. Rosenberg!

I never had to do the egg assignment in school. This was something discussed in high school and even then you had to take a special class for it. That class had the robotic baby toys to simulate a living baby.

It seems ridiculous now in 2017 that this egg project is still a viable lesson to learn about raising kids. They're just caring for eggs! No one is going to treat their egg with care except to get a good grade.

Buffy: As far as punishments go, this is fairly abstract.
Willow: No, it’s your baby!
Willow: Okay, I get it even less...
Xander: Well you know, it’s the ‘sex leads to responsibility’ thing, which I don’t personally get. You gotta take care of the egg. It's a baby. You gotta keep it safe and teach it Christian values.
Willow: My egg is Jewish.
Xander: Then teach it that dreidel song.

Buffy being without a project partner strangely connected to the theme of "Bad Eggs."

She felt what it was like to live her mother's life, even if it was simply an egg. Also, she had a frank discussion with Angel about the future, which was something they rarely did. She needed to be reminded that he could never have kids.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12 was another moment when the concept of "real life" started to make its way into Buffy's world.

Class Project - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

Another negative for "Bad Eggs" was that the episode title gave away the demon twist. Of course, something would be going on with the eggs! The name alone said it all.

The tentacles looked creepy when they broke from the egg to drain Buffy's energy.

However, why was the egg not damaged? Both Willow and Buffy were affected by the egg at night, which means the tentacles broke free to attack them. Why did they not notice the holes in the eggs?

Did the eggs get repaired? There's something off about the egg twist here.

Buffy's Future - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

Angel and Buffy were VERY hot and heavy during Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12. It's almost as if a fire was lit beneath them. The sudden spark of passion came from nowhere.

Sure, we've seen them kiss in the past and their relationship had continued to build after their many bumps in the road. Let's face it: They're a roller coaster. On the other hand, they were making out like a couple of teens in love. It was a bit surprising to see the spark.

The only complaint about their kissing session was the cheesiness of Buffy's dialogue.

Angel and Buffy finally have a serious conversation about the future, but then Buffy drops this closing line below. My eyes still roll whenever I hear it.

Angel: So, you don't think about the future?
Buffy: No.
Angel: Never?
Buffy: No.
Angel: You really don't care what happens a year from now? Five years from now?
Buffy: Angel, when I look into the future, all I see is you. All I want is you.
Angel: I know the feeling.
[They kiss]

The egg creature was almost reminiscent of the alien from Aliens. The way it broke from the shell and crawled across the room had a horror movie vibe to it. As a horror movie fan, I loved these type of inspirations.

However, the design looked like a weird cross between a squid and a scorpion. Luckily we only had a few moments of seeing the creature because it didn’t look believable. From the design itself, I could tell that Buffy was stabbing a squishy toy.

Don’t get me wrong, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a supernatural show and we have to bend our imagination. Though, this just seemed...lazy.

Egg Creature - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

How is it Joyce finally heard this commotion from Buffy's room? Buffy has been sneaking out for over a year now! And this egg was the one to tip her off?

As I mentioned above, Joyce was the hardest on Buffy during “Bad Eggs.”

Sure, Buffy got caught sneaking back into her room and had a terrible lie about why she was dressed. But, the tension later on at the high school when Buffy wasn’t in the library was too much. Joyce needed to give her daughter some leeway.

She was looking for any reason to blame Buffy, and that was not a good side to Joyce.

Joyce's Joke - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

In addition to the Aliens reference, "Bad Eggs" was exactly like The Faculty. (If you've never seen The Faculty, you need to watch it. Seriously, WATCH IT NOW!)

Actually, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12 has a similar plot to that movie. Think about it: The faculty and students are infected by demon/alien creatures, their personalities change, and they follow an unseen leader. Coincidence? I think...maybe.

Once Willow, Cordelia, Giles, Joyce, and the other members of Sunnydale High were infected by the demon creature, the obvious conclusion was to take out the source. And since we're talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the source had to be underneath the school.

Though, how did the Bezoar end up below the school?

The demon is underneath concrete, which the students had to dig up. (Plot hole? Let's just say a "wizard did it.")

Uncontaminated - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

The Gorch brothers arriving to fight and kill Buffy was the worst timing ever. Did they not read the room? Deadly students and teachers were trying to kill Buffy in between digging up the ground. They could've waited until later.

One of the best moments of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12 was the back-and-forth fight between Buffy and the brothers.

They would fight each other but then team up to stop the infected people. It changed the pace of the battle that we normally were treated to during one of Buffy's fights. Usually we saw Buffy fight solely against a malevolent force before the creature was destroyed; this time the enemies fought alongside her against a different enemy.

Shame it was the Gorch brothers since they were just as worse.

The Gorch Brothers - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

I wasn't upset when the Bezoar killed one of the brothers. He needed to go and if it wasn't Buffy finishing the job, someone had to do it. At least half of the problem went away.

The same goes with the Bezoar itself. It was a faceless enemy where we only saw its one eye. This may be one of the least interesting enemies that Buffy the Vampire Slayer created up until this point.

While I didn't like the hyena students of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 6 or Ted of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 11, they at least had personality. The Bezoar only had its one blinking eye. See the problem?

It's A Dirty Job, But Someone's Got To Do It - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12

"Bad Eggs" had a lot going against it. This was the second story to come after the thrilling two-hour episode. And it was paired right after Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 11, which was also not that great.

The main enemy was boring. The secondary enemies were more comedic than terrifying. And the tension was heightened to bring out the worst in certain characters, like Joyce.

Luckily, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 returns to the more thrilling adventures after this hour. We only had to make our way past these points to get to the good stuff.

Stay tuned! The real fun is just beginning.

Xander: How are you guys doing?
Willow: Did I really hit you?
Xander: You knocked me out.
Cordelia: Did I hit you?
Xander: Yes. Everyone hit me.
Cordelia: Good. Well, I don't mean good because I hit you, but I didn't want to be left out.

What did you think of "Bag Eggs"? Did you ever want to see the Gorch vampire again? Would you have passed the egg test?

Want to join us in rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer? We'll be posting new rewatch posts every Tuesday and Thursday. Come back here and let us know what you think.

Bad Eggs Review

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Justin Carreiro was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on X.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Mr. Whitmore: It’s often difficult to imagine that there are negative consequences for having sex. Would anyone care to offer one such consequence?
[Cordelia raises her hand]
Cordelia: Well that depends, are you talking about sex in the car or out of the car? Because I have a friend, not me, that was in a Miatta parked at the top of the hill and kicked the gear shift...”
Mr. Whitmore: I was thinking of something a little more common place, Ms. Chase.
[Xander raises his hand]
Xander: You want to talk about negative consequence. What about the heartbreak of halitosis? I mean, a girl may seem spiffy but if she ignores her flossing, the bloom is definitely off the rose.
[Cordelia raises her hand]
Cordelia: Like that compares to kissing a guy who thinks the hoover technique is a big turn on?
Xander: What about having to feign interest in her vapid little chitchat just so you can get some touch?
Mr. Whitemore: Now! Another consequence of having sexual activity. Anyone...else?
[Willow raises her hand]
Willow: How about pregnancy? That would be a major one, right?
Mr. Whitmore: Thank you, Ms. Rosenberg!

Buffy: As far as punishments go, this is fairly abstract.
Willow: No, it’s your baby!
Willow: Okay, I get it even less...
Xander: Well you know, it’s the ‘sex leads to responsibility’ thing, which I don’t personally get. You gotta take care of the egg. It's a baby. You gotta keep it safe and teach it Christian values.
Willow: My egg is Jewish.
Xander: Then teach it that dreidel song.