Outlander Season 4 Episode 8 Review: Wilmington

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

I know I'm in the minority, but even after the atrocities that occurred on Outlander Season 4 Episode 8, Brianna and Roger win my heart over Jamie and Claire in the love department. They're a more traditional romance couple, and much more exciting than Bree's parents.

Jamie and Claire's love is so ridiculously even-keeled, I can't connect with it. I've never had a love with as few inside challenges. I can get on board with all the obstacles Brianna and Roger toss into their own way.

Reunited and It Feels So Good - Tall - Outlander Season 4 Episode 8

It didn't take long for the two to reconnect once they were both in Wilmington, and the majority of the episode proved why they could be featured a lot more often and viewers wouldn't lose interest.

Roger: You'll marry me?
Brianna: How can I say no to a man who followed me for 200 years?

At the very least, Bree and Roger seem to understand at this point how far they've come. I'm glad they aren't burying the enormity of traveling 200 years into the past. It's incredibly significant, even if the same topic also is their undoing.

Related: Outlander Review: Blood of My Blood

Sticking with what works for the two, their innocence regarding love is very special.

When Jamie and Claire came together, there wasn't the same feeling of firsts and the understanding of love for the first time.

Handfasting - Outlander Season 4 Episode 8

Roger maintained his desire to have all of Brianna or not have her at all, and his thoughts, while temporarily waylayed after their dip into the alley, have not changed.

Their ceremony was lovely and as they prepared to make love afterward, it was as intimate as two souls could make it. I almost felt like I shouldn't have been watching, but it didn't quite stop me from grabbing a few screen prints so we would have some visual aids for the discussion at hand.

Quotes can only go so far, you know?

Brianna: I've wanted this for so long.
Roger: If I take ye now, it's for always.
Brianna: Yes, Yes, please.
Roger: Feel my heart. Tell me if it stops.

Roger's words were so sweet. What girl wouldn't want to be treated during their first time as Roger did Brianna?

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It was as if she was his very own goddess set down before him, and Roger loved all over her, ensuring she wouldn't look back on her first time as anything but as beautiful as the love between them.

Finding Each Other - Outlander Season 4 Episode 8

They're also very open with each other in most areas, even if they don't quite understand the quirks between them yet. 

Brianna: Can I ask you something?
Roger: Yes.
Brianna: Was it alright? Did I do it right?
Roger: Oh God. [laughs]
Brianna: It was alright then.
Roger: Oh Christ. What could possibly make you think otherwise?
Brianna: Well, you didn't say anything. You just lay there like someone had hit you over the head. I thought maybe you were disappointed.
Roger: Oh, no. God no. Behavin' as if you've had your spinal column removed is dead indication of male satisfaction.

They both asked questions about their first time together, even Roger to Brianna about whether it hurt. Reveling in their new connection made Roger so comfortable he had lost track of what he was saying.

That's what happens when couples keep secrets. The most intimate moments open them up to disaster. Roger found that out the hard way.

Related: Outlander Stars on Their Interesting, Relatable Couple and Upcoming Emotional Roller Coaster!

If the same situation went down between Jamie and Claire, they would have argued over the idiocy Roger not trusting Brianna with the truth of her mother's death when they were together. They would have screamed and hollered and then fallen passionately into each other's arms for more sex.

Unfortunately, Brianna and Roger are of a different ilk. They hold back their feelings of inadequacy and aren't certain the other loves them as much as they do. Instead of pushing through the "I'll leave you if you don't tell me not to" BS, they take it at face value.

Neither of them wanted to other to acquiesce. They will look at it now as the best and worst day of their lives.

Very Bad News - Outlander Season 4 Episode 8

Brianna was already in a sour mood when she ran into Stephen Bonnet, and she pushed a man she didn't know in a world not used to women with sharp tongues too far. 

No, that's not blaming the victim, it's just a fact of the times. Women had it very difficult, as was referenced by her screams ignored and her boots righted by the door as a nuisance rather than the possibility the person wearing them might not have wanted them off her feet.

Brianna got "married," lost an argument with her husband, raped, and got her mother's ring returned to her within the span of a few hours. What a terrific and tragic day.

Elsewhere in Wilmington, her parents were hobnobbing with Governor Tryon and his wife for a night at the theater.

Mr. and Mrs. Tryon - Outlander Season 4 Episode 8

There was not all that much to speak of there, other than how Claire became more valuable to Tryon, a simple trip to the theater remarkably saved Murtagh's life, and Claire and Jamie found themselves in the orbit of George Washington.

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Saving Murtagh was quite a shock, but ultimately placing George Washington at odds with Tryon might be what gets him interested in fighting for independence.

Claire: George Washington. He might be the most famous American ever to live.
Jamie: What does he do to gain such notoriety?
Claire: He is the man to win the war against the British, and he will be the first leader of this country. But he won't be a king. He will be a president, elected by the people. If Brianna were here, she'd have a hundred questions to ask him.

Even when Jamie was catching a ride with the Washingtons to Fergus' place, Washington didn't know if they were fighting a war of which they were unaware. Jamie getting a pass while Washington was thrown under the carriage for stopping the insurgents was very clever.

The Couple Who Works Together - Outlander Season 4 Episode 8

In the meantime, Claire wowed the entire theater with her surgical prowess.

Tryon had a thrill helping her save Fanning's life and we learned where the phrase "blow smoke up his ass" originated. At least we can surmise since I didn't run to Google to double check.

If the doctor who arrived later on the scene had that in his arsenal, then Fanning would have died. Every time I use that phrase forever more, I'll think of Outlander.

This was a great installment of Outlander. it was enjoyable, introduced a lot of upcoming bits for the storyline to dig into, and the romantic notions were fabulous.

What did you think? Are you more on board with Brianna and Roger as a couple now? Were you surprised to see George Washington at the play? Drop me a note and share your thoughts after you watch Outlander online!

Wilmington Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Outlander Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Roger: You'll marry me?
Brianna: How can I say no to a man who followed me for 200 years?

Being a mother to that wee bairn my heart is so full of love it's fit to burst.
