The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7 Review: General Shiro

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One word. Dembe.

If it wasn't clear before, it was made perfectly clear on The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7 that Dembe is Red's personal savior.

We've always known that Dembe has always had and will always have Red's back.

There's an unbreakable bond between the two, and Dembe will do anything to save Red -- even if that means telling Liz the truth. 

Red's Savior - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7

There's no guarantee Dembe will do it, but the look he gave Liz made it seem he's thinking that telling her Red's big secret might be the only thing that will save his good friend.

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Dembe has always made the right decisions before, and he would never do anything to betray Red, but Red has run out of options.

The problem is that Dembe has no idea that Liz is the reason Red is even in this mess.

And if he does spill the beans on The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 8 and The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 9 (a two-parter airing on February 22 starting at 8/9c), things are sure to get more complicated than ever.

Liz on the Case - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7

I'm going to guess that once Liz finds out the truth, she's going to go to great lengths to cover her tracks, and the first person on her hit list will be Jennifer.

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With Jennifer out of the way, Liz will think she's free and clear, but that's not how it will go down. Someone will find out what she did and while I want to predict it will be Dembe, a more delicious option would be Ressler.

In case you haven't read a newspaper lately, Mr. Sima, all of our lives are playing out in the theater of the absurd these days.


He already knows one of Liz's secrets, imagine what he could do with this bombshell?

The possibilities are endless, and I could spend hours speculating on different outcomes, but we are just going to have to wait and see how it all unfolds.

One thing is for certain, though. Red has more friends than he realizes. 

Deadly Doctor - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7

Aram made it clear he is definitely #TeamRed, and Harold stopping by the jail with a couple of cigars made it clear he is, too.

How awesome was that, anyway? It was just what Red needed, and it gave the two another opportunity to bond.

Out of all of the stories Red's ever shared, the one about Dembe bringing him back to life was the best and most moving one of all.

Dembe saved my life that night. Dembe always saved my life.


He could have shared it with anyone, but he shared it with Harold. Their bond is sealed.

Red's plan to manipulate the jury selection process was brilliant.

It started with his crafting of potential juror questions that were of the sort the judge had never heard before. Sima wasn't amused, but the judge saw no problems with the type of questions Red wanted to ask.

Fighting for Red - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7

She would never admit it, but she's fascinated with him. If she had her choice, the case would have been over long ago. She's not favoring either side in any way, but you can tell she has a soft spot for Red.

But even with his pointed questions, Red was having a hard time finding jurors that he thought would give him a fair shake. And then he had an epiphany.

Glen has always managed to come through for Red in the past, but this time he failed miserably. 

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While Red didn't have any faith in Glen's plan, I did. I seriously thought he could pull it off, but he just didn't know when to shut up.

Part of it was probably Red's fault for insulting him the way he did, but Glen dropped the ball big time. 

A Bug in the Throat - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7

Still, Glen was entertaining as hell though I had to wonder if Dembe was going to snap his neck when he brought up the idea of him and Dembe running off with Red's money.

He wasn't kidding, either and only backtracked after seeing the look on Dembe's face. Dembe was not amused.

I guess I'll ask the judge to just let me lie down in traffic.


But Glen's idiocy was a nice reprieve from the creepy, gross, and bizarre case Red had the task force running.

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General Shiro was the name Red got from his former cohort on The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 6, but it's strange that Red was even able to give the case to Liz when he was unsure of what that name meant when he first heard it.

Maybe he was able to squeeze more information out of the guy before he left the facility.

Either way, Liz knew that there was a reason he wanted her to run the case and gave him a hard time about it (actually she was a biatch), but she relented.

Arrested - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7

Dr. Nikkila was clearly out of his mind. 

For someone who wanted to save bugs from humanity and the toxic pesticide, he was pretty inept at trying to help his cause.

There were a million other ways he could have exposed what was happening with the pesticide, but killing the people he felt lied to him didn't seem like a very smart thing to do.

I respect your false confidence, but you're a dead man walking.


Poisoning himself in the process to avoid facing the consequences of his actions was a cop-out. Maybe he was afraid that he'd be eliminated anyway and decided that dying by bug infestation was his best option.

Still, seeing bugs pour out of people's necks and mouth made my skin crawl. The music that went along with the infestations upped the creep factor tenfold.

And I don't know about you, but I won't be drinking red wine at a restaurant for quite some time.

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It was a lot of ickiness to endure just so Red could get an address out of the doctor's lab, but he sees it as his last lifeline.

But as I talked about earlier, Dembe might see another option as more beneficial to the cause. The question is will he or won't he?

Over to you!

Will Dembe share Red's secret with Liz? 

Were you creeped out by the bugs?

Will Red survive the trial? Whose address did Dembe get from the lab?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch The Blacklist online right here via TV Fanatic.

General Shiro Review

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The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 7 Quotes

In case you haven't read a newspaper lately, Mr. Sima, all of our lives are playing out in the theater of the absurd these days.


Why can't you just be honest with me?
