Watch The Walking Dead Online: Season 9 Episode 15

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What did Alpha do?

On The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15, four communities showed up at the Kingdom for the fair. 

However, the Whisperers reported to Alpha that the event was underway and the villain decided to cause some problems. 

Daryl, Michonne, Yumiko, and Carol found themselves in a precarious situation and not everyone made it out alive. 

A Bad Feeling - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Meanwhile, Aaron worried that having the communities together would cause more drama than it was worth. 

Did he decide to overthrow Michonne?

Use the video above to watch The Walking Dead online right here via TV Fanatic. 

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15 Quotes

The crossing over the river may be gone but we rebuilt a bridge none the less.


Tell them the next time they cross over to my land, my horde will cross into theirs.
