9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18 Review: This Life We Choose

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Who knew this finale would feature a blast from both Bobby and Athena's past? 

One of the first cases they ever worked together ended up being a memorable one, as a vengeful son sought revenge against all those he felt wronged his family. 

9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18 was all about the search for the serial bomber, who was running around the city hurting people at an alarming rate. 

A Crowd - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18

When we met the Costas on 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 16, it seemed like a storyline that would help propel Bobby forward on his journey of sobriety and professional stability. 

But it ended up being so much more than that. 

The last time we saw Freddie, he was angry. And he was placing that anger on the wrong people. 

Related: 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15 Review - Ocean's 9-1-1

That anger stayed with him and manifested itself into rage. And that rage led him to build bombs and hurt the various people he felt were responsible for his pain. 

Out Of The Smoke - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18

Did anyone see it coming that Freddie was the bomber? 

It was an intersting twist, especially considering Bobby's episode wasn't one of the most well-recieved.

It felt a bit like filler, but it turned out to be anything but, as it held the key to this end of the season mystery. 

Blowing up the fire truck was a jaw-dropping moment, and watching Buck struggle to get out of the truck was agony.

Fiery Crash - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18

It seemed like he was in terrible shape, and it felt like he was pinned under the truck forever.

Bobby took a curious approach when trying to talk Freddie down by going more aggressive than sympathetic. 

Deciding to wrestle a man who had a bomb attached to his chest was probably not Bobby's wisest decision, but in the moment, he followed his instinct. 

Freddie let his guard down for a few seconds, and Bobby pounced. 

Having the bystanders rush to help lift the truck off Buck was a moment that could have played cheesy, but it felt heartfelt and earned. 

In the darkest of moments, people really do rally around their fellow man. 

Related: 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 17 Review - Careful What You Wish For

It appears that Buck will have a long road ahead of him when it comes to his leg. So much of the episode formed around the bomber story that the fallout from Buck's injury got rushed. 

Life or Death - 9-1-1

Having Ali back was nice, but it wasn't nice to see her come back and start to shrink away from Buck when he needed her most. 

Her reservations are natural, but considering how they met, you'd think she was keenly aware of the dangers of the job. 

And maybe she was, but she pushed it aside because she wasn't there with him again and couldn't see it for herself. 

Watching the man you love (and she so loves him) laying helplessly in the street is different than hearing Buck's stories at the end of a long shift. 

Holding On - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18

Both Buck and Ali deserve happiness, but if Ali isn't ready to commit to being the partner of a firefighter, then it's better for both of them that she doesn't lead him on. 

Heading into 9-1-1 Season 3 the big questions will be surrounding Buck, whether or not his leg heals properly and the psychological ramifications of that. 

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Buck only knows how the be a firefighter. You could see the pain on his face every time the topic of his future at the fire department was touched on even slightly.

But while Buck left the season in physical and emotional turmoil, there were a lot of happy endings. 

Picking up shortly after Shannon's funeral, Eddie had his family breathing down his neck about moving, but for a few minutes all was forgotten when he officially became apart of the Los Angeles Fire Department. 

Taking A Breather - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18

There's nothing cuter than the relationship between Eddie and Christopher. 

All the romantic pairings on this show are heading into next season stronger than ever. 

You're a fool. But I love you, too.

Athena [to Bobby]

Bobby and Athena have been rock solid from the get-go, and seeing their journey culminate in that intimate courthouse wedding was everything. 

Surrounded by Harry and May, it was a gorgeous moment between two people who deserve that kind of happiness. 

I never imagined this pairing at the beginning off 9-1-1 Season 1.

Now it's hard to imagine there was ever a time when these two weren't kicking butt all day, and going home to snuggle at night. 

Glowing Athena - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18

Loose Ends

  • Charisma Carpenter sighting! The Roy/Maude emergency was gross, scary, and hilarious all wrapped up in one. This show always nails the serious bits, but the funny ones don't get enough credit. 
  • Did anyone catch the amazing comments that were scrolling in while Buck and Eddie were tending to the battered social media influencer? Top two were, "They should totally be a couple," and "Those two could put me in a sling."
  • Angela Bassett doesn't age. And that wedding dress? Magnificent. 
  • Having Carla as the first person Buck saw when he came out of surgery was a nice callback to the closeness of their relationship. 
  • Maddie and Chimney's decision to try things again is a sound one. They took time apart, and it feels like they both realize that they're better together. 

Well, that's it, folks!

Another season has come and gone, and it has been a crazy ride!

9-1-1 will be back in the fall, but while we wait this summer, let's recount our favorite moments down below!

And let me know what you're looking forward to seeing next season!

As always, watch 9-1-1 online in the meantime, and join the conversation!

This Life We Choose Review

Editor Rating: 4.7 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (8 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is a lover of all things TV. Follow her on X.

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9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 18 Quotes

Eddie: Being with me is what's best for Christopher. I chose this life for a reason.
Ramon: You can choose another one.

Teacher: Emily. Was that your lunch?
Emily: Yes.
Athena: Why didn't you say something?
Emily: I don't like tuna fish. Am I under arrest?