The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Daughter of the Night

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The Wheel of Time Season 2 finally picked up the pace and threw all the main players into intense situations.

Perrin's true identity finally got revealed, as did Rand's girlfriend on The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4.

We finally saw the use of the term Wolfbrother on screen, with Elyas revealing to Perrin that they both are Wolfbrothers.

Mat Cauthon

The fourth episode of the Wheel of Time Season 2 managed to build seamlessly off of the previous outings' setup and improved the overall feel of the new season.

While the premieres felt disjointed and like there wasn't enough time for everything they tried to do, this round felt well-crafted and super intense.

Moiraine Visits Her Sister - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 3 left us on an intense cliffhanger with Nynaeve, played brilliantly by Zoë Robins, bursting through the final arch, completing the trial.

Sadly, even though details of the shock around the White Tower that Nynaeve survived were discussed, they did not delve into the details.

We wanted to see and hear the reactions of important players in The White Tower, especially the three women who sent her off on the trial.

Sadly, we only got to see a bit of Liandrin's feelings and reactions, but no one else's.

Speaking of Liandrin, she's arguably the best part of the beginning of The Wheel of Time Season 2.

Rand Shoveling - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

Liandrin Guirale, played by Kate Fleetwood, continued her agenda, and while fans of the novels know all her secrets, having to rely solely on what's presented on screen leaves a lot to the imagination.

She's mysterious, that's for certain, and we know that she's up to something (potentially nefarious). There are also a lot of questions that revolve around her and her unknown goals.

The biggest of which is what her goals are. We know that sounds very vague, but we don't have any insight into why Liandrin acts the way she does.

Why is she working with Min? Who is she working for, if not herself? There are also many details about her personal life (about her son) that we'd like answered. Why did she attack Nynaeve at the end of the hour?

So many questions!

Mat Traveling - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

Attacking the novices we understand, as they are not supposed to leave the White Tower, and are not supposed to know about Liandrin's secret tunnel away from the tower.

But launching an attack on Nynaeve? Liandrin should be quite aware that Nynaeve is a very powerful Aes Sedai, and Nynaeve was correct, as an accepted sister she was allowed to leave the Tower.

While this attack on the women could be Liandrin wanting to keep them in the tower, we can't help but feel, because of the other ways she's acted shady, that something else was at play when she attacked.

We also don't fully understand her relationship with Min, and why the seer and the powerful Red Ajah are working together.

Liandrin hinted that their alliance had something to do with Moiraine having something over both of them, we just don't exactly know what (and remember, we're basing all this speculation about what is presented on the screen, fans of the book series will probably already know, so please don't spoil anything).

Lan talking with Alanna - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

We have to praise Kate Fleetwood, however, because she's acing the role of Liandrin.

Fleetwood is a veteran actress, and while her performance in The Wheel of Time Season 1 was equally incredible, Liandrin has played a bigger part in Season 2 so far.

We love Kate Fleetwood this season, as she's made us dislike Liandrin and, at the same time, want to understand her emotions and goals from her point of view.

We want to hate her, but at the same time, we are so intrigued by her. Talk about hate to love!

The other actors also seem to be settling into their roles quite nicely, whether that's because of improved writing, or just that they're used to the characters.

Egwene Talking with Nynaeve - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

Another big stand out so far has been the recasting of Mat, and Dónal Finn captured our hearts with his portrayal.

We are worried for Mat, as Min seems to be way over her head, including an encounter with Ishamael himself, We believe that Mat can hold his own.

The implications behind Min being forced to meet with Ishamael certainly are interesting. Does that mean Liandrin is working with him? Would working with Ishamael be worth it?

While we would never want to work with him, we understand that desperate times are cause for desperate measures.

Hopefully, no one we like (Min, Mat, etc.) gets too hurt!

Min Laughing - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

Rand's story also became more interesting, while also bringing two main characters together again!

Moiraine returned to Cairhien to visit her sister, visit Logaine, and finally see Rand once more after their battle during The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 8.

Returning to her estranged sister could not have been easy, and visiting Logaine proved only to receive information about Rand.

Once she found Rand, however, she found him with someone (apparently) very dangerous. His girlfriend Selene.

Apparently! Her name isn't Selene, and she's one of the forsaken, some of the most powerful people. Moiraine stabbed her, which caused Rand to attack Moiraine.

Nynaeve Mourning - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

Seeing Rand attack Moiraine was shocking, but he felt that he was in love with the woman. Moiraine insisted that she couldn't kill Selene even if she wanted to and that they had to flee.

Once again Moiraine lucked out that she was unable to tell lies because Rand believed her quickly and they fled.

While we don't know exactly what Selene's plan was for Rand, we know she was about to reveal her powers to him while he was tied up to their bed.

At the beginning of the hour, we saw Ishamael revive a woman from some disgusting-looking area, and we now know that that woman was her!

We don't know what comes next, but with Moiraine and Rand on the run, we know the next episodes will be action-packed.

Perrin Talking with Elyas - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

All the main players learned more about themselves, and that's including Perrin and Lan.

Perrin finally learned what he is and what his visions mean: he's a Wolfbrother.

Lan continued his difficult journey being separated from his Aes Sedai, Moiraine.

Both of the men have a long road ahead of them, with Perrin wanting to save Loial, and Lan wanting to revive his relationship with Moiraine.

Hopefully, they're able to achieve their goals! Especially rescuing Loial from the Seanchan, We miss him.

Liandrin Reads A Letter - The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4

So fanatics, what did you think of the fourth episode?

Are you excited for the rest of the season?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

The Wheel of Time airs on Fridays on Prime Video.

Daughter of the Night Review

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Michael Stack is a former writer for TV Fanatic..

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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Alanna: I don't think you're gonna kill yourself. Your bond wasn't ripped from you, she took it. So have you decided what you're going to do now?
Lan: Have i worn out my welcome?

Moiraine: I'll need a dress...
Anvaere: It's been decades Moiraine! Sit. Have some tea.
Moiraine: Perhaps Lunch, there's someone I need to meet this morning.