Ben: You are your father's wildest dreams.
Andy: You'll always be part of my team.

Andy: Let me guss, you're going back to finish your surgical residency?
Ben: It's that obvious, huh?

Andy: How are you? How's Carina?
Bishop: She's convinced she's not pregnant because she's had so much trouble, and I don't know how to help her.
Andy: Just be there for her. That's all you can do.

Firefighters, we're family first. I am so proud to call you my family and even prouder to answer the call with you beside me.

Maya: Just because your last name is Herrera doesn't mean you have to rule in his shadow.
Andy: You always show up for me.

I am out here stretching every nickel we have just to keep us together, and you lose one of the most expensive tools we have! I'm trying to save your jobs!

Andy: Bishop, what's wrong?
Maya: I think I just saw my brother.

Maya: Hey, are you okay?
Andy: Yeah. I just always imagined Jack here. Whenever I've seen myself as captain, he was always here. Part of the family, but now he won't be.
Maya: Nineteen is still a family.

Jack: So I'm not a firefighter anymore? Then what, I mean--
Andy: Nineteen will still be here for you, just in a different way.

Andy: I'm going to be the best damn captain the station has ever seen!
Hallucination Jack: Now you get it.

Station 19 Quotes

This is going to get worse.


Maya: At least I won't be transferring to 23 anymore.
Dean: You won't?
Maya: Instead I'll be going to jail for harboring a fugitive.