You made 51 a family, Chief, and this firehouse a home.

I love you so much. I can't even put it into words. But if what you're asking me is to not be a firefighter, Chloe, I'm sorry. That's the one thing in the world that I can't give you.

Cruz: At least we know he's okay.
Kidd: Do we?

Cruz: Man, I'm glad he's okay. Chloe was so relieved when I told her about it, she almost forgot that she was mad at me.
Hermann: Yeah, she can't stay mad forever. Trust me.
Cruz: She wants to go to couples therapy.
Hermann: Oh boy.
Cruz: Exactly!

Now she's got two reasons to not invite me to the wedding.

This is a disaster. What kind of a squad lieutenant puts you two in charge of a baby?

I want to take the lieutenant test. It's time for me to leave 51 and run my own unit.

Chicago Fire Quotes

Kidd: I just got to keep busy. Working the bar’s good for that. Um, you know I’m gonna need some major distraction when I get home, right?
Severide: I think I can provide.
Kidd: You are so selfless.

Casey: Well, you gotta admit, he's happy.
Dawson: She's a graphic artist he met at the craps table. Her name is Brittany and she's from Florida? You know what that adds up to? Stripper!
Casey: What do you have against Florida?