AJ: The food wasn't inspiring but the name was. 
Cain: Wny?
AJ: Come on, man. Another surgical god under the same roof and a brotha at that? I had hoped for a colleague, a comrade, but brotha, you have managed to alienate every single doctor in this hospital, and even still, I have my instincts that hope I felt is still very much alive. You know traumatic events like this can have profound impact on one's constitution, so maybe you come out on the other side of this surgical gifts intact with a different outlook on life.

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The Resident Season 4 Episode 3: "The Accidental Patient "
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The Resident Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

AJ: Mina, I'm giving Barrett a chance to see if he can redeem himself. 
Mina: I'm not going to hold my breath about that.

Yorn: We have no need for a new CEO. Not now, not ever. 
Bell: You're selling the hospital.
Yorn: Yeah, Red Rock doesn't throw good money after bad.