Holt: We had one chance to end this, Earp. One goddamn chance, and now there is nothing you can do to right the wrongs of the OK Corral.
Wynonna: Oh my god, get over it. Your sicko witch mom had it coming.
Holt: You make your peace, Earp.
Doc: Lower your weapons. Stand down.
Wynonna: Go ahead and off the son of a bitch, Doc.
Holt: It’s too late, Holliday. It’s too late.
Doc: It is never too late to bury a grudge.

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Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 6: "Holy War: Part 2"
Wynonna Earp
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Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes, Wynonna Earp Quotes
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Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Wynonna: Rosita, of all the revenants that could have survived, it’s busty, brainy, baby-stealing Ro-fucking-sita?
Rosita: So this is it?
Wynonna: This is what?
Rosita: Seventy-six down, one to go. You’re going to kill me last like you said.
Wynonna: Done.
Doc: There will be no killing, as much as I also crave the satisfaction.

Waverly: Is she dead?
Jeremy: Technically. [Frog ribbits] Yes, it worked. It worked.
Waverly: What worked?
Jeremy: Can’t you see? She’s in the frog.
Waverly: You put my girlfriend into a frog?
Jeremy: And you’re welcome.