Your son is trying to tell you what he needs. Don't wait thirty years to listen. You'll regret it.

Ramon [to Eddie]

Amir: Sargeant Grant.
Athena: It's just Athena. I'm off duty.

Herman: Who the hell are you?
Athena: I'm Mrs. Bobby Nash.

Eddie: I know I screwed up. But he's so angry.
Ramon: Fathers are human. Sons don't always handle these things well.

Buck: Okay, okay. I'm here. What can I do?
Eddie: What you always do. Just talk to him.
Buck: I don't know how to explain this.
Eddie: I don't need you to explain this to him. Just check in on him. I'm worried. He won't come out.
Buck: He can't keep you out of his room.
Eddie: I don't want to break down the door, Buck. I want him to open it.

Mara: You said we were a family. You lied.
Hen: We're still a family. That hasn't changed. We're always gonna be a family.

Hen: Maddie, did Athena say anything else?
Maddie: Just that she had reason to believe Amir was in danger.
Hen: And I think Athena might be the danger.

Bobby: Buck, I don't say this enough, you've come a long way. You're not the same impulsive, hothead who walked through those doors seven years ago.
Buck: Wow, has it really been that long?
Bobby: It has.
Buck: Well, here's to seven more.

I think you're very careful about letting people into your life. Not because you've been hurt. I mean, who hasn't been? I think you're cautious because you have more to give than you think anyone can take.

Kim [to Eddie]

Buck: Does this poor woman know that she is a carbon copy of your dead wife?
Eddie: Hasn't really come up.
Buck: I'm worried about you.
Eddie: Yeah. I'm worried about me, too.

Buck: Man, isn't it crazy we thought we were gonna get fired, and instead, we all got medals?
Tommy: Enjoy it while it lasts.
Ravi: That's my motto.

Olivia Ortiz: You must be very proud of your hero wife.
Karen: I am.
Olivia Ortiz: Sadly, her heroics didn't extend to my son.

9-1-1 Season 7 Quotes

Chimney: How do you suppose that happens?
Hen: I assume something broke.
Chimney: No, I mean, how do two people live together in the same roof for thirty years and end up full of resentment and disdain?
Hen: I believe you just answered your own questions.

Athena: What?
Frank: So, you're saying you're traumatized by a TV movie you saw when you were a child?
Athena: A major motion picture. Shelley Winters was even nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars that year.
Frank: Did she win?
Athena: No, she did not.