You erased your accent. I changed my last name. It’s funny, and here we are facing the thing our whole lifetimes trying to run away from.


Amy’s mom: You abandoned us!
Amy: I moved away.
Amy’s mom: You married Collier, who was the best thing to ever happen to you, and then you left him, too. Let’s see how long it takes you to run away from Mark.

Mr. Lawrence, we will all help you to become a productive member of our community.


Judge Delgado: The jury already heard it. You can’t unring that bell.
Judge Benner: But you can stop pulling on the rope. It already looks like the prosecution is hiding something.

Emily: Dr. Vasquez, I’m having a hard time understanding why Ms. Schmidt, who you just said was so easy to talk to, suddenly smashed your head with a tire iron!
Dr. Vasquez: You’d have to ask her.
Emily: I didn’t have to. She told hospital staff that you violated her.
Maggie: 402! 402!
Emily: Violate could mean many things.

Baby, you are a force of nature – kind, great sense of humor, but no.


Vic: I can take care of myself. I always do.
Mark: But you’re here now with us. So, why don’t you come inside and help me and Amy make dinner?

Darlene: I needed to show him he couldn’t get away with what he did to me, no matter what the jury said. I don’t trust juries.
Emily: You’ll have to move past that.

Lola: Are you toying with coming back?
Lisa: I plead the fifth, Your Honor.

I think one or two actresses have survived a DUI, but injuring your friend is serious.


DA Bravo: Boy, did it feel good to be back in the courtroom. I think I have that jury, Callan.
Mark: I’m sure glad you’re enjoying my job, Sir. But if you made me Head Deputy DA so you can pull me out of a courtroom and put me behind a desk, I will resign right now.

I’m well aware of my authority, Ms. Ketchum.


All Rise Quotes

Sherri: Your honor?
Lola: This is a big moment for me. I just want to be present for it.

Mark: Your honor? Your Honor? Lola? I know you're up here. Why does it always have to be the top floor?
Lola: Because I don't want anyone to find me.
Mark: I told you to be sphinx-like.
Lola: I can't talk about my case.
Mark: It's okay. Lots of other people are.
Lola: Thanks a lot.
Mark: The sphinx has survived for 4500 years by silently staring down the enemy and then asking the right questions.
Lola: She wasn't dealing with LAPD and... I can't talk about it. It's just that... up on that bench, in this thing, everything is different. And that detective, I need to make a difference, but I can't tell if this is the battle, or this is the war.
Mark: What can I do?
Lola: Visit me at traffic court in Palmdale.
Mark: Never gonna happen.