Don't get all sanctimonious, Jerry. Your face might get stuck that way.


You've got a real talent for missing the big picture, Jerry.


If these weren't the kids of prospective donors, would you be goin' easy on 'em? We are the people who draw the line, Jerry. If we don't enforce the laws for everyone, what's the damn point?


Some people rob out of desperation. Some to feed their habit. These kids, in particular, had money and status. Yet still, a hole grew inside of them. When people who have the most care the least, well, that's a bigger problem. One that we can't solve. So it's everybody's responsibility to teach our children what all this means and that we're in it together.


I did my part, and I'm walkin' away. What happens next to this kid is on you.


Genevieve: I'm a lesbian. A woman who likes women. And if you're not a woman, then what does that mean for me, for us?
Bishop: Well, I can't tell you what it means for you. But for us, I know that I have to bring my whole self to this relationship.

Just so we're clear. I wanted your acceptance, but I didn't need your acceptance.


Deputy Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

You've got a real talent for missing the big picture, Jerry.


Don't get all sanctimonious, Jerry. Your face might get stuck that way.
