Doctor: This is Ruby and I'm the Doctor
Splice: That's not a name.
Doctor: And I'm not really a doctor. You're good. Most people don't even notice that.

It's vacuum drones, that's all, Hoovering up the smoke so no one can choke to death before they can be safely shot.

Ruby: Why does a landmine have lights on it?
Doctor: Capitalism.
Ruby: Excuse me?
Doctor: Flashy lights play well in a showroom. Modern warfare. Death by salesmen.

Doctor: Everything's fine.
Ruby: Who said it wasn't?

Vader: Let me smell so I can see if your breath is minty fresh. Liar! You didn't brush your teeth.
Splice: How can you tell what my breath smells like over comm?
Vader: Dad skills.

More fog. Maybe the Kastorians are made of fog. That's why we never see them.


Maestro: Are you enough of a genius?
Doctor: Oh I would never call myself that. But I have loved and I have lost. And I can only smile like this because I have lost so much. And if that's where music comes from, I can find the chord to banish you.

I think without music, the human race goes sour. Without a way to express a broken heart, they go to war and don't even know why.

The Doctor: I told you when I met you, fighting the Toymaker took everything. He tore me in half.
Ruby: But you survived.
The Doctor: He literally tore my soul in half. I can't survive that again.

Doctor: We have to hide.
Ruby: You never hide.
Doctor: I can't fight this thing.

At this moment in time, Ruby Sunday, you are the only music in the world. Now let's see what happens when you bring music back.

John Lennon: I just want to finish the album and get back to Liverpool. Forget it.
Ruby: You can't do that. We need you.
John Lennon: What for? I'm not good at anything.

Doctor Who Quotes

There's a horror movie named Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everybody keeps invading you.

The Doctor

The Doctor: It's a risk.
Graham: Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky.
The Doctor: I have apologized for the Death Eye Turtle Army! Profusely.