Ivy: Yeah, she's got a cute boyfriend and hangs with rappers and influencers, Face it, Joe. Evil people win.
Joe: It didn't use to be that way. If you did something wrong, there were consequences.

Elsbeth: It's kind of eery, isn't it? She looks so peaceful.
Kaya: Yeah, dead people usually do.

You know, I think I could see someone wanting to kill that woman.


Quit stalking that dead woman and help me find a new apartment.


Wait, you think Ivy Bensen is trying to kill me? No, I'm sorry. Losers like Ivy Bensen never actually do anything. That is what makes them losers.


Detective Smullen: There still could be some evidence there.
Elsbeth: But a good attorney could have it disqualified five hundred different ways. Sorry.

Joe: Listen, I just want to make one thing clear. Ivy had nothing to do with anything, and you better leave her alone.
Elsbeth: You don't like it when people bother her, do you?
Joe: I don't like you bothering me.

Wait, captain. Claudia will kill me if anything happens to you.


Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Elsbeth: It's kind of eery, isn't it? She looks so peaceful.
Kaya: Yeah, dead people usually do.

Ivy: Yeah, she's got a cute boyfriend and hangs with rappers and influencers, Face it, Joe. Evil people win.
Joe: It didn't use to be that way. If you did something wrong, there were consequences.