George Brouchard is not someone I would recommend toying with.


Sykes: You know what this means? If we take the stand...
Benson: He can ask us anything he wants. And I can't wait.

Benson: You bring her in tomorrow and we will get her statement on the record and Carisi can go back to the grand jury and get charges added for sexual abuse.
Eileen: So you're not giving up on us?
Benson: Giving up? I'm just getting started.

In 20 years on the bench, this is a first for me.


They made me change my vote. He's not guilty.


Velasco: I don't get why this went to trial.
Curry: Justice would be served if not for this pesky jurisprudence.

Noah: I brushed my teeth.
Benson: Did you floss?
Noah: Uh... yeah.
Benson: That's a lie.
Noah: What are you doing?
Benson: Going through these old books. We really need to get rid of them.
Noah: No, don't get rid of them. I like them.
Benson: You like them? You want me to read you Little Red Riding Hood right now?

Mom? Why are there so many bad guys in the world?


Benson: Doctor? What are the chances that she doesn't make it?
Doctor: If I were you, I'd locate her next of kin as soon as possible.

Carisi: You doing all right?
Benson: Not really.
Carisi: This job's hard enough without our kids Googling us.
Benson: We signed up for it. They didn't.

Carisi: Noah's a strong kid.
Benson: Strong enough to learn his father was a rapist?
Carisi: You were.

Mrs. Lynch: Why would they let her call if she'd been taken?
Curry: There could be several reasons.
Benson: Most likely, they wanted us to stop looking for her.
Mrs. Lynch: But you won't, will you?

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
