Believe me, I saw how underwhelmed he was by my declaration of love and devotion in front of the whole family.


Louise: That was before I had Covid. Turns out that whole independence thing doesn’t seem quite as important when you’re alone and scared you’re going to die. Now I just want to be with you as much as I can.
Dan: Wow. So compared to death I’m looking pretty good.
Louise: You’re looking very good.

Becky: Jackie was on Jeopardy! And Aaron Rodgers has a restraining order against her.
Jackie: Yeah, it’s got his signature on it and everything.

You know, at rehab they said, “Let go and let God,” and all I had to do was let you make a fool of yourself on Jeopardy!


Jackie: Neville, why are you doing this?
Neville: Because I believe in you. I mean, look what you did here. You got your ass handed to you and you came back strong.
Jackie: No one’s ever wanted to invest in me.
Neville: Well, you deserve it. And besides, I’ve come to hate your mother so much that I really want to stick it to her.
Jackie: No one’s ever hated my mom with me before.

Darlene: You are an amazing man and I am incredibly grateful for what we have. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Now, I know that finding a way to be together hasn’t always been easy but being apart has been impossible. I love you. Ben Olinsky, will you marry me?
Ben: I’m sorry but no.

The Conners Season 3 Episode 20 Quotes

Louise: That was before I had Covid. Turns out that whole independence thing doesn’t seem quite as important when you’re alone and scared you’re going to die. Now I just want to be with you as much as I can.
Dan: Wow. So compared to death I’m looking pretty good.
Louise: You’re looking very good.

Believe me, I saw how underwhelmed he was by my declaration of love and devotion in front of the whole family.
