Shaun: I told her about the lump in your breast. It was before I convinced you to have your surgery here, so not a HIPAA violation.
Claire: I hope you also told her the biopsy was negative. It's not cancer, so there's nothing to worry about.
Lea: I reserve the right to worry anyway.

Charlie: I'm Charlie Lukaitis.
Claire: Shaun speaks very highly of you.
Charlie: He does?
Shaun: I was not complementary.
Claire: Shaun! I was trying to be nice, something which you could try harder to do too.

Claire: I'm glad you stopped caring so much what other people think. Whatever you were looking for when you left here, you found it.
Jared: It seems like we both did.

Charlie: Did you and Claire used to date?
Jared: No, we were just friends.
Shaun: With benefits.
Charlie: That's the best kind. What about Jordan?
Jared: What about her? We're not together, and she's been texting her ex-boyfriend every day since Asher died.
Shaun: It's wrong.
Jared: Not wrong, just different choices.
Shaun: No. The biopsy in Guatemala was negative, but that's wrong. Claire has breast cancer.

Shaun: If you are prescribing her oxy, that is unethical and might be illegal.
Glassman: I am aware.
Shaun: You could lose your medical license. You have to tell her to leave now.
Glassman: Thank you for your concern, but I'm not giving up on her.

If it hurts, it means I'm alive. I'm grateful for that.


Sometimes big decisions come from a bunch of little decisions you weren't even aware you were making.


Jared: It's only Stage 1, and given your general health, hormone therapy should be sufficient post-surgery. You.probably won't need chemo.
Claire [to Shaun]: Do you disagree? Cause if you do, be honest with me. I'd rather get bad news now and get it over with.

You were raised in a trailer park by a bipolar mother and you got a full scholarship to med school, then you went to a country where you didn't even speak the language and two years later you're Chief of Surgery. Cancer? Pfft. You're an unstoppable force, Claire Brown, and on top of that you are overwhelmingly beautiful.


Hannah: Who are you?
Shaun: I am Dr. Shaun Murphy. Dr. Glassman's son. Not biologically. But he did for me what he is trying to do for you.
Hannah: So we're both broken toys that he tries to fix because he couldn't fix his daughter.
Shaun: He did not fix me. He loved me. I am different from other people. Other kids thought I was weird. My parents didn't want me, so I thought it too. But Dr. Glassman loved me. I will always have autism, but now I am proud of it. You will always be an addict even if you stop using drugs. But Dr. Glassman can see you are so much more than that. Why can't you?

The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Charlie: I'm Charlie Lukaitis.
Claire: Shaun speaks very highly of you.
Charlie: He does?
Shaun: I was not complementary.
Claire: Shaun! I was trying to be nice, something which you could try harder to do too.

Shaun: I told her about the lump in your breast. It was before I convinced you to have your surgery here, so not a HIPAA violation.
Claire: I hope you also told her the biopsy was negative. It's not cancer, so there's nothing to worry about.
Lea: I reserve the right to worry anyway.