Mad Dog: It wasn't supposed to go down like this?
Bradford: What do you mean? Did you compromise the op?

Angela: Quickie in the janitor's closet?
Wesley: Wait, do you have time?
Angela: A girl can fantasize.

Thorsen: Can I ask you why y'all split up?
Bradford: No.

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.


Lucy: I hope you know that you always have a home with me.
Tamara: I know. Thank you. Stealing your car is probably the best decision I ever made.

I know you feel like you're all on your own, but I'm here, and we're in this together. Except when you get pregnant, then you're all on your own.


How do you feel about having sex in the back of an ambulance?


Tim: I own my mistakes and I move on.
Blair: Except you haven't. How could you when your whole image is acting honorably?

Lucy: I guess you have to let people go if they're the ones you care about?
Grey: We still talking about Tamara?
Lucy: I guess I don't know how this happened. I don't really know how to talk about it. How could he let go so easily?

Grey: You and Tim speak since the breakup?
Lucy: No. I thought you didn't care about my personal life?

The only phone call I'm going to make is for an ambulance to wheel you out of here unless you get out. Right now.


Angela: I'm your BFF, I know you.
Tim: I'm a grown man. I don't have a BFF.
Angela: Technically you can only have one BFF.

The Rookie Quotes

Tim: The Tim Tests, those don't make me like him.
Lucy: I know. You're nothing like him. Come here, you're nothing like him.

Becks handle things on their own.
