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JR keeps looking at that baby picture and wonders if Damon had siblings.

Simone can't win. Her physical isn't up to date, and she has difficulty managing work-outs and getting to class on time.

Simone hates that Thaea took charge of the group project with her and Damon.

Keisha and Nathaniel give Simone a makeover to help dispel the rumors about Simone.

Simone lost her tennis practice time because she couldn't keep up with everything.

Simone and Damone aren't pleased JR brought people over to Keisha's for a party while they were studying.

Simone has a panic attack due to the pressure she's experiencing from college and sports. Aunt Amara insists she'll get used to the new normal.

Damon and Simone find inspiration looking at other leaders in the museum.

Damon and Simone both practice hitting some balls and talk about their struggles.

The professor loves Simone's closing about studying local authors. He offers her a job in the alumni department.

Cam was passed out in bed. He has a brain aneurism from his fall.

The match was close, but Thea won.

Coach Loni is impressed with how well Simone did with Queen of the Court. She got the last spot on the tennis team.

At family dinner, Simone encourages Damon to face his fears.

Damon admits his fears to the team. He nominates JR  to be team captain.

Coach Turner confesses to Amara his part in revealing the cheating scandal. She wants him to focus on the team, so he joins the guys in playing video games.

All American: Homecoming
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All American: Homecoming Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Damon: So I’m guessing she’s not a morning person?
Simone: No, she’s not a people person.

I got some connects hiring. I got you.
Simone. Yeah, that would be amazing. I got this.
