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The Charmed ones are having a difficult time adjusting to life in Seattle.

Macy wakes up at 5am after having an intense dream about Harry, Mel is frustrated that she's lost her power. and Maggie is having a difficult time accepting the fact that everyone back home thinks she's dead. 

The trio is quickly distracted by their new mission. They set off to find a young missing witch who was last seen with the demon who attacked them back in Vermont. 

Unfortunately, Harry is having a difficult time using his white lighter powers as well, so he is unable to orb anywhere. 

Macy and Harry set off on a road trip to find the young missing witch, leaving now powerless Mel and Maggie back at home. They nearly hit a young witch in the street when she runs out in front of their car.

The young witch who has been poisoned, dies as she tries to warn Macy and Harry of an impending danger. Macy and Harry use a glamour powder to make themselves look like demons to break into the demon club, but only Macy gets in because she has demon blood.

Macy finds out that the demons are uniting to rid the world of witches under the direction of the Overlord, and plan to burn the missing young to death to symbolize the beginning of their reign. 

Meanwhile, Maggie and Mel discover that their father has passed away. While Maggie is heartbroken, Mel is bitter about her father's absence in her life. 

Maggie attempts to work out her frustration in the gym when she runs into Jordan. Frustrated with life and missing her father, she creates a portal and escapes to Minneapolis, Minnesota to visit her dad's grave. 

Maggie is comforted when she runs into a man who she believes to be Harry, but she quickly realizes the shapeshifter is not Harry. Mel swoops in at the last second to save Mel from danger. She then reveals to Maggie that their deceased father was not as good as man as Maggie thought he was.

Macy pretends to be the Overlord to convince the demons to obey her. Her sisters, who are invisible from a cloaking potion, help her convince the demons that she is, in fact, the Overlord. A fight breaks out at the bar, and the rescue the young witch just in time. 

Maggie finally accepts that her father is gone and embraces her new life. She even fills out an application for a part-time receptionist position at the co-working facility, and smooths the rough patch between herself and her new friend Jordan.

Harry worries that Macy may not always know whether it's the real him or the impersonating shapeshifter, but Macy assures him she'll be able to tell if they look at one another in the eyes. 

Just when things are starting to look up, a demon checks the camera from the surveillance camera at the club and discover that the Charmed ones are still alive. 


Charmed (2018)
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Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Harry: And you saw him too? In your dream?
Macy: Yes. He's very seductive.

I had a dream about you. Someone like you. He was you, but different.
