A New Vision - East New York Season 1 Episode 1
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After a bunch of establishing shots, Regina Hayward is telling her manicurist that she is working in this neighborhood now.

She immediately gets into the middle of a roberry and chases a guy in a ski mask into a tenement where there is no sign of life except for a cat. She finds a girl on the couch who confirms that the bad guy let the cat out and goes up the fire escape in search of him but instead finds a bunch of birds (reminiscent of Hitchcock?)

She meets the detectives on the case. One detective isn't sure about Hayward. There's also a rookie who is on his first case. His supervisor explains who everyone is. The Deputy Mayor shows up and gives Hayward a hard time about letting the perp get away.

A desk sergeant tells Hayward he's sorry she got involved in this her first day. She wants to go to her office, where she moves a bunch of stuff. Yenko wants to be her executive officer to prove he's good for something. She agrees.

Hayward makes a speech. She wants the cops to live in the neighborhoods they patrol. A woman volunteers to take an apartment in East New York.

A cop interviews the wife of the man who was shot. She says he is a good man. The cops talk to his boss, a mob guy who swears he had nothing to do with this. He says maybe Linten owed a lot of money, maybe to the Russian.

The detectives are at a restaurant they want to buy but the owner wants more money or he's selling elsewhere. (They did this on Homicide.) They have to get back to work as they learn about the Russian guy. The cops talk to a guy in the park.

Yenko is busy trying to buy a car. The other chief thinks Yenko isn't a good choice for an executive. She wants to make changes and doesn't have time to lose because there are too many murders and that puts her job at risk.

Suarez and his partner question the driver and his wife. Suarez is hard on him. The wife agrees to cooperate. They find the suspect, Nikolai.

Another cop gets into it with Sanford, as she doesn't want him protecting her. Hayward is not happy with Sanford's behavior. She wants him to stop undermining her. Yenko tells her that he doesn't appreciate Sanford's sarcasm. She tells him to let the projects know a cop will be moving in.

An older man sees Brandi putting up a flyer for a meeting. He's not interested. He does tell her the elevator is broken. He doesn't like the idea of a white cop living in the projects. Brandi finds someone has already spray-painted PIG on her door.

The Deputy Mayor salutes Hayward's idea but doesn't like that she didn't go through his office for this. Anyway he has learned that she is very accomplished and was hired for her merits.

Next, Hayward stops Suarez from violating a suspect's rights. No more lying, here or on the stand. He's resentful.

Bentley talks with some kids who try to claim they aren't truant. He plays basketball with them but tells them to stop ditching school so they can graduate. The kids run away and he chases them.

Brandi harasses a kid she thinks did it. He seems to know Sandeford, who is there to give Brandi a walkie talkie. He apologizes for earlier but wants her to call for backup if needed.

Killian and Morales cannot get a loan for the restaurant. Morales thinks the menu should be more Puerto Rican based. Morales' wife insists on taking a loan from her dad. Killian goes to the bar and says he forgot something in the office. He sits down at a table and starts working on stealing a bat off the wall.

A young guy comes to see the driver and his wife. Brandi secretly tapes their conversation.

Sandeford talks to a guy who knows the kids and asks him to get Bentley's hat back.

Linten codes. But they have a confession on tape thanks to Brandi. Hayward says to Yenko to bring Linen's wife in. She's sorry Linden died. She asks who Brenda and the other person are. She wants to go home and inform the children.

Hayward confronts Brandi about her threat against the kid in the projects. She says this is not a shortcut to a gold shield and the purpose is to show the people in the projects that they are part of the same community. Brandi says she grew up with a drug addicted mother and wants to be part of a community too.

Morales and Killian talk to Brenda who says she hasn't heard from Did'ea in years and says racist things about Africans.

Next they talk to a developer who works with Brenda. He denies being involved with her and doesn't know Nikolai. He tells them to play Sherlock Holmes on their own time. When they won't leave, he calls the Deputy Mayor to complain the cops are intimidating him. The Deputy Mayor tells the cops to wrap things  Then he tells Suarez to build relationships and focus on becoming Commissioner.

Did'ea explains to Suarez that he was selling blood diamonds but Linten didn't pay. Killian questions Brenda. Morales has some evidence that leads to Brenda's arrest. Brenda complains she has arrhythmia as she is handcuffed. Hayward would like to send the kid back to Africa as he wants to go. Suarez stops by and complains that she needs to apologize to Lestich for her detectives. Hayward goes to Lestich's office and finds out Lestich is traveling. Meanwhile Yenko has evidence Lestich was broke and was trying to get the diamonds. Hayward wants him to help her trace Lestich's plane. She gets on the plane and he says he has to take off. Nikolai runs up and holds Lestich at gunpoint. Hayward ends up shooting Nikolai. Lestich is out of breath.

Lestich is arrested. Deputy Mayor says his dealings with Lestich were all above board.  Hayward xompliments Morales and Killian on their stats. Sarez picks her up.

Brandi has gotten some stuff back her neighbor was missing.

Killian gives the bat to the current owner as a down payment on the restaurant. He accepts.

Bentlley gets his hat back and wants to talk to the kid. Sandeford doesn't think that's a good idea.

Suarez and Hayward talk. Hayward says the embassy took care of Did'ea.  Suarez says she made the right call. She says goodnight.




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East New York Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Rookie: Who's that guy?
Supervisor: He shows up wherever there's cameras.

Salon Worker: Big day for you, huh? You the boss now.
Hayward: I'm A boss. There are lots of bosses. I have a boss.