Marvel's Inhumans News

Marvel's Inhumans Season 1 Episode 6 Review: The Gentleman's Name Is Gorgon

Marvel's Inhumans Review: Dies!

On Marvel's Inhumans Season 1 Episode 6 the Royal Family are finally reunited. But things heat up when one of them makes a heroic sacrifice.
Posted in: Reviews

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Marvel's Inhumans Quotes

Maximus, right or wrong, he is dangerous. You think you are being tough with him but you are not. He has the ear of the people and he undermines your decisions. You are blind to his intentions. That is one of your greatest weaknesses. Regardless, you have my loyalty. Never doubt that. - Karnak to Black Bolt.

Karnak: What is that?
Gorgon: The little baby car?
Karnak: No. What is that above it?
Gorgon: My hoof!
Karnak: You don't see a problem with that?
Gorgon: That little thing was just banging against our walls. And as leader of the Royal Guard it was my responsibility to do something!
Karnak: Yeah something smart ideally! If the humans on Earth sees th-
Gorgon: No one is going to know that is a hoof.
Louise (on Earth): It looks like a hoof!