Rescue Me News

Rescue Me Review: Secret Letters

Rescue Me Review: Secret Letters

Tommy's letters are revealed and Franco takes charge on this week's episode. Why was it our reviewer's least favorite of the season? Read on to find out.
Posted in: Reviews
Rescue Me Review: "Press"

Rescue Me Review: "Press"

Black Shawn learns what's behind the term "Bridezilla" and Tommy gets more personal with Kelly. Can there be a happy ending?
Posted in: Rescue Me
Rescue Me Review: Everyone Hates Tommy

Rescue Me Review: Everyone Hates Tommy

The reactions to Tommy surviving being shot are in the forefront of the season premiere of Rescue Me. We break down all of the reactions and provide our own insight in to what's going on.
Posted in: Rescue Me

Rescue Me Details

Rescue Me stars Denis Leary as a fire figher in New York City. It's centered around his character's life in a post 9/11 world, as Tommy Gavin lost his best friend in those attacks and has seen his life spiral downwards ever since.

Number of Episodes
Start Date