Arguing About Trent - Ted Lasso
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Keeley and Roy are at the football club and Isaac points out that they're definitely not together.

Jamie is curious and asks Roy, who is less than thrilled about talking to him.

He's taken aback, however, when Jamie tries to hug him. Jamie says that he'll be there for him but Roy is not interested.

Zava is up for grabs and the team knows he would be a good addition, but Rebecca can see Rupert getting her claws into him.

She sets out on a mission to get the player to herself, but she's stalled at every turn by Rupert's people.

When she sees him going into the toilet, she follows and tells him that he needs to go to a team where he can make a mark and not be known as someone who sailed.

In the end, Zava vows to go to AFC Richmond and Rupert is pissed.

Keeley meets an old friend on a job and brings her to KJPR with a new job, but Barbara is skeptical because of her lack of credentials and calls Keeley out in the process.

Keeley tells Barbara that she makes good decisions and will believe in Shandy until she gives her a reason not to.

Shandy then texts her to use the company credit card to get mimosas in the office.

Roy reveals why he hates Trent Crimm and it stems back to when he was 17 and criticized him for his performance.


Ted Lasso
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Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Roy: Who told you that?
Jamie: No one. I use body science. Why? Is it true?
Roy: Hmm. What's that fŐ˝cking face?
Jamie: It's called empathy, you dusty, old fart. Look, as someone who's been dumped by Keeley, I get it.
Roy: She didn't dump me.
Jamie: You dumped her? Why?
Roy: I don't want to talk about it. Why'd you come in here? Oh, let me guess. You want to know if it's okay to ask her out, right?
Jamie: No, I was just, I was just seeing if you were okay, man.

Isaac: Whoa. Keeley and Roy have broken up.
Jamie: What? Who told you that?
Isaac: It's not "who," bruv. It's "what." Kinesics. Study of body language. Just look at 'em. No eye contact, Keeley's crossed arms. Roy's clenched arse. It's science.