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Harold is on his way to see the President about Red. A phone call comes into the execution chamber.

Aram, Samar, and Ressler are watching the time on their phones when Liz calls. She tells them that the President stopped the execution.

Harold and the White House woman are talking to Red about finding the killer of the German ambassador. He has 48 hours.

Anna and the President talk about the situation.

Liz picks up Red from prison with Dembe. Red tells Liz he has no idea where the assassin is.

Red arrives at the Post office. Ressler asks Liz why she didn't ask about Red's identity.

Aram talks to Samar about her incident reports.

Red talks to the Task Force about what he knows about the assassin. Red gives the name of someone to investigate.

Meanwhile, The Corsican is with the same guy trying to get the dossier. After he gets the flash drive, he kills the guy.

A group of people are playing a game when Red walks in and asks about a guy named Christopher. He goes to talk with Red while Dembe asks to play the game with the ladies. He calls Liz with the news.

The Corsican calls Anna about the dossier and she tells him about Red. The Corsican is going to kill Red and Anna tells him where he is.

Samar and Ressler arrive at Miles' house. Samar is having issues. The Coriscan is there with Moreau and shoots him but escapes. Ressler chases. The guy is still alive and Samar is still having issues. He gives Samar a password before he dies.

Liz calls Red who is at a restaurant when The Corsican arrives. Red tells him a story. Then he tells Corsican about Anna.

Red gives he Corsican the password for the dossier. Corsican won't let Red read the dossier.

He calls Liz to tell her who his next target will be. He thinks it's going to be Anna.

Samar is missing and Aram is concerned. She's on top of a roof. Aram and Harold go looking while everyone else goes find Anna.

Moreau calls Anna and lies to her.

The Corsican follows someone home who has the flash drive. He has arrived at Anna's home and talks about the dossier and the plot against the Americans.

Liz and Ressler arrive at the house and give chase to Moreau. He drops the dossier in the trash but after Ressler arrests him, he's shot dead by the President's secret service guy.

Aram finds Samar on the roof. She tells him what happened and blames herself for Miles' death. She's going to tell Cooper about her condition.

Red has a new immunity agreement. Vontae is going to be paroled. The official story is that Red escaped prison. He goes back to the Post Office and the Task Force celebrates.

Red leaves to explore freedom.

Ressler wants to know Liz's motives for not asking Red about his identity.

Samar goes to talk to Cooper. She's leaving the Task Force.























The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 12 Quotes

Please tell me someone is going to answer that.


Executioner: Do you have any final words?
Red: I'll save my final words for my next life.