Entourage Recap: "Drive"

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Entourage returned for its sixth season last night with a pretty solid return.  We joined up with Vince and the boys just after he finished his latest film, an adaptation of Gatsby.

Vinnie was already preparing for his next role by getting his much needed driver's license.  Lloyd, meanwhile, was sick of being Ari's assistant and demanded a promotion.

Vince All By Himself

Good old E, thanks to a little motivation from Sloan, was actually considering moving out of the Frat house and into his own place.  Find out how things panned out in our "Drive" recap.

Now enjoy some of our favorite Entourage quotes from the episode.

Vince: I'd just be happy to avoid a Razzie
Drama: There's nothing wrong with a Razzie
Turtle: Johnny's gonna go for the hat trick if he ever does another movie
Drama: I only have one Razzie, asshole | permalink
Ari [to Babs]: You either owe me an apology or blow job, your choice! | permalink
Drama: P***y can smell other p***y and they have to pounce on it. That's why when you're on a hot streak you go to press it. Just like in blackjack. | permalink

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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