Breaking Bad: Watch Season 5 Episode 11 Online

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Hank went one-on-one with Jesse this week, revealing all he knows about Walt and Heisenberg and asking the emotionally spent dealer to rat on his mentor and colleague.

Jesse's simple response? Eat me.

Elsewhere, Hank and Skyler actually sat down to dine with Hank and Marie, but their attempt to make any kind of peace was quickly thwarted.

And this led to one of Walt's most diabolical acts of all-time... which says a whole lot. He left a tape with Hank toward the end of Breaking Bad Season 5 Episode 11, one full of blackmail and manipulation and one that put Hank in a pretty tight corner.

It was both terrible and awesome at the same time and you can watch the installment in full now to see what we mean:

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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