The Bachelorette Review: Andi Dorfman's Dudes

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And now that moment we've all been waiting for since Juan Pablo Galavis got the boot and Andi Dorfman was named The Bachelorette: Season 10 is here!

Some of us are watching for all the right reasons. Some of us are watching just to see some (hopefully) hot shirtless dudes. The Bachelorette spoilers are here for all of us.

On The Bachelorette Season 10 Episode 1, Andi Dorfman will meet the 25 men who've answered the cattle call to become her Cassanovas. Will one of them be her Mr. Right?

Let's find out!

25 Men

Andi Dorfman's dad says he'll be easier on the final 2 this season than he was on Juan Pablo. We doubt that. We doubt that a lot.

Oh look, Andi Dorfman is foregoing the requisite bikini-frolic on the beach shot in favor of wearing a jacket and shorts. Plus 4.

"Never in her wildest imagination" could Andi have imagined that she would be here as the bachelorette. Hmmm. That's probably not true. Maybe also not false, but probably not true.

Andi's sister has shown up to give her emotional support as she gets ready for the first night. ADorf has reservations about kissing men on national television. But she's been there, done that, so why is this a big deal again? 

The cheese factor is SUPER SUPER HIGH between Andi and her sister right now. So high it rivals that Velveeta photographer and his cheesy (ha!) ads. Minus 2.

Andi really believes that her "great love" is in the 25 men. Even after having been through this once and calling TOTAL BS on the entire process. 

As Andi waits outside the mansion, the men begin to arrive.

Marcus is the first out of the limo. He's a sports medicine manager, and his hands are shaking as he meets her and then sort of professes an eternity of love to her. 

Up next is Chris from Iowa. He's ecstatic to be there and she is the reason he's there. Surrrrrre.

J.J. is the "pantsaprenuer." That's a totally made up word, by the way. Because I said so. And so did Websters. Minus 4.

Marquel brought his A game but forgot to give Andi his name. Tasos loves to travel and gives Andi a lock as a...promise? that they'll visit Lover's Bridge in Paris together. He's also a wedding planner, so imagine the insanity of that blessed event should he stick around. 

Cody the personal trainer pretends to push the limo up the driveway. Lame. Minus 3.

Steven is a snowboard product dude from Encinitas. Andi asks him to teach her to surf, but she has a thing about bathing suits. 

Rudie, a fellow attorney, asks if he can approach Andi like she's a judge and then parlays their shared career status into his introduction. Plus 5.

Firefighter Carl brings Andi a little globe with important cities marked. That's sort of sweet. Plus 3Jason is a doctor with special skills and long hair. He can make a diagnosis just by looking at people and tells Andi she must have a fever because she looks hot. LAME-O! Minus 12.

Nick V. is excited to meet Andi and Andi loves his polka dotted tie. Plus 2Dylan takes his personal space to warm up to Andi and had the closed captioning not been on, I would've told you he said he was drunk. But he said he was drawing a blank. 

There's another soccer player in the mix. Patrick assures Andi he's nothing like "the last guy who played soccer." We can only hope.

Emil is a helicopter pilot. His name is pronounced "Anal with an M." Minus 3.

Brett doesn't want to show up to meet Andi empty handed because his mother told him that was bad so he brought her a...lamp. From the hotel. 

To REALLY get this party started, Craig, also a hugger, explodes a bottle of champagne. Here's hoping he didn't get that from the mini-bar because he just spent a fortune to waste it.

Ron, a beverage sales manager, never would have done that with the champagne. Bradley is this season's Sharleen Joynt. He's an opera singer and he wants to serenade Andi. We're 83% sure that isn't a euphemism. 

Josh B. is "so excited" to meet her. (If we were taking shots every time one of these guys said he was "so excited" we'd be blitzed by now.)

Nick S. arrived on a golf cart because he's a pro-golfer. Andi doesn't have a good track record with professional athletes, but she does play golf, so maybe there's hope for Nick.

Brian is a basketball coach from Pennsylvania who can't tie a tie. He's probably used to being in sweats. Andrew tells Andi she has an adorable smile and I've already added them to the list of unisex baby names.

A bartender in Utah, Camps, pretends he's meeting Andi not in a forced and awkward setting. I'm still stuck on the bartender in Utah part.

Eric the Explorer (no really, that's his job...exploring...) brings Andi a set of dolls given to him by a girl in the Andes Mountains to give to his girlfriend. Josh M. is the brother of a star college football player who also happens to live in Atlanta. That would be convenient. Plus 8.

Andi's met all of her men and she's ready to mingle. Chris explains there's a first impression rose on the table and sends her in to hang out. The more she talks, the more her Southern accent comes out. Not quite as thick as Emily Maynard, but it's definitely there.

She feels like the love of her life is standing in that house and then calls it crazy to say that. Because it IS crazy. 

Josh M. makes the first move to get Andi's attention. His mom already loves her, so there's no issue there. And he's her type, but she's open to having her type change.

Marquel is a cookie fan who does a cookie tasting with Andi. Eric the Explorer is only in the United States for 3 days a month. He's on a journey to do crazy things like sky diving and base jumping and experiencing new cultures in every country in the world. He's going to be SUPER FUN on the jet-setting leg of this expedition. Plus 7.

Suddenly all of the dudes are talking about the first impression rose. It's all they can talk about. But then The Bachelorette season 8's Chris Bukowski shows up and crashes the cocktail party. He's outside asking to come in while Andi is hanging out with the guys inside. Tasos is teaching himself French and he can say "I would like a juice with ice cubes, please." Which is probably not useful.

Polka-dot tie dude has 10 siblings and acted like a father figure for his younger brothers while he was growing up. Andrew isn't intimidated by the other guys there. He and Patrick bond over their shared love of Formula 1 racing and both earn points with me. Plus 8.

Chris Harrison tells Andi that she has a crasher at craft services, Chris, who wants to vie for her heart. She actually, legitimately wonders if Chris Bukowski, the guy who did Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad in the same summer, might be the one. 

Ultimately she decides he's not allowed in. Plus 12.

He, however, does not decide to agree with her and instead shows his desperation by trying to beg Chris Harrison to let him up anyway. I can't decide if this is totally staged or if he's really that ridiculously out of work that he needs another season on a reality show to beef up his resume'. Probably both.

Here comes the moment when the guys realize they haven't had a chance to talk to Andi and panic sets in. And the first impression rose is still in play.

Chris from Iowa is a corn and soybean farmer from Iowa. Andi says she loves that type of lifestyle and being outdoors with the scenery. But she loves the city life, too. But she's okay with being outside. Chris wants the first impression rose. (You all do, Chris. You all do.)

Andi can only call Marcus hot, but he's not the hottest according to me? He speaks Polish and German and English and she calls him "worldly." She's intrigued. But he doesn't get the first impression rose.

That goes to...Nick V. His polka dot tie worked! Plus 3. He has no idea what he did to deserve the rose. But he's got it! 

It's time for Andi's first rose ceremony. Let's see who'll be sticking around for another week.

  • J.J.
  • Eric 
  • Marquel
  • Craig
  • Tasos
  • Josh M.
  • Brian
  • Bradley
  • Marcus
  • Andrew
  • Ron
  • Carl
  • Chris
  • Dylan
  • Brett
  • Patrick
  • Cody
  • Nick S.

And with that, the roses are done. Six guys are leaving without the chance to get to know Andi Dorfman. 

Emil, Rudie, Jason, Josh B., Mike, and Steven get the boot. 

Rudie called this a "curveball" and continued on with the baseball metaphor for far too long. That's probably why he's gone. Jason is bummed he didn't get to know her better and Josh B. just loses it over how he's wasted his time. Bad attitudes are unattractive.

This season promises lots and lots of dude-drama. Lots and lots. And Andi tears. And man tears. Oh, the man tears. We totally can't wait.


What did you think about The Bachelorette Season 10 Episode 1? Will Andi Dorfman find THE ONE among these men?

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Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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