The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 11 Review: Christmas

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The proposal we hoped would happen...didn't happen. 

It deemed too good to be true for Danny to actually be looking for an engagement ring on The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 11, especially since Danny seemed less than thrilled at the idea of moving their relationship forward. 

It was pretty obvious Mindy was going to get her hopes up after poking around for proof of a proposal. However, I was not expecting the surprise to be burial plots. Danny really knows Mindy if he thinks that will get her excited. 

[The plot] is just for me. I don't know how your religion handles this kind of stuff. Don't they let the river just take care of it?


I'm enjoying seeing Mindy more as a doctor and hearing she actually is good at teaching. It certainly is a side of Mindy you wouldn't expect to see. I felt bad for Danny, though, when Mindy told him about the fellowship; he had the puppy dog face and everything. It changed pretty fast when he had the doctor not write the recommendation for her. 

Not nice, Danny. Not nice at all. 

Even without a proposal, Danny made up for it with his own sweet recommendation letter. It will be interesting to see how the Stanford story changes the couple and Danny and Mindy as a couple. 

Danny also tried to put his matchmaking skills to the test when he wanted to set Peter up with his hoarder friend, Jessica, played by Julia Stiles. She ended up with Morgan, but I think his matchup may have been the better choice. He was OK with her hoarder-ness and she was OK with his weirdness. Match made in heaven. I hope Julia Stiles will return for another episode or so. 

But, it looks like it may be a good thing Peter didn't go out with Jessica because by the looks of it, Jeremy and Lauren may have an expiration date approaching. Peter and Lauren had their own moment by the elevator when he gave her son a gift. I'm almost hoping Peter finds a way to win her back. 

Since it was the Christmas – sorry, holiday – episode, it only made sense to have a party for Schulman and Associates. It's entertaining to see Jeremy go into his perfectionist mode because he really doesn't care who he offends; it just has to be perfect. Exhibit A: locking Beverly in a closet, who then breaks out, because of course she did.  

There was also mention of Secret Santa among the office, namely Mindy's video for Danny and a reference to the very popular dance from The Mindy Project Season 2 Episode 11. I can't believe I forgot about it until Morgan mentioned it. 

Do you think Mindy and Danny will make it while she's in Stanford? What did you think of Julia Stiles' character? Should Peter and Lauren get back together?

If you want to catch up during the winter hiatus, make sure you watch The Mindy Project online via TV Fanatic.

Christmas Review

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Mary Kate Venedam is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

You know I'm not an easy man to impress, unless I'm watching a magic show.


Just make sure the pressure is firm and consistent, like trying to convince your boyfriend to do a couples' costume.
