Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 3 Review: The Rusalka

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Who else looked up what a Rusalka is?

On Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 3, they started where they left off on Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 2 with President Ostrov's death.

The tension could be felt throughout the entire hour, and it could be easily cut with a knife; though I'd never let Maria Ostrov anywhere near said knife because the woman is nuts!

Putting Him To the Test - Madam Secretary

It's not a huge surprise they would start things off by trying to figure out what to do now that Russia's government is rocky, but Elizabeth seemed to be the only one who wanted to look at the big picture. She was right in her assessment to take things slow at first because she knew Russia would be on high alert, but Craig seemed to want to go in with guns blazing.

I was thrilled when President Dalton showed some interest in what Elizabeth had to say about trying to get Russia to trust them, but of course, Craig had to have a problem with what she suggested and would rather knock Russia on the map. What the heck is wrong this guy? I don't understand why he feels the need to undermine Elizabeth every chance he can get.

On the other hand, I also understood what Mike was talking about when he barged into Elizabeth's office telling her if she doesn't start getting along with Craig, she'll be kicked out of the "inner-circle." Elizabeth may not see it, but she's loved by the American people, and her approval ratings are top notch – she has quickly become the face of the administration and is what people want.

The reason people are in favor of Elizabeth is because she's relatable and willing to bend the rules to get things done. I could totally see Dalton's administration having a problem with her being front and center because it makes President Dalton look like he's not doing anything. What makes all of this sad is Elizabeth doesn't even want the attention.

At least President Dalton can be sure Russia will never love Elizabeth thanks to the unfortunate picture between Blake and the anti-Russia guy. I couldn't stop laughing at the back and fourth between Blake and Daisy with Blake trying to convince Daisy he actually hates most people and was trying to be diplomatic – this was probably the last time Blake will ever be diplomatic.

Daisy: Face it, you're a people pleaser.
Blake: Actually I hate most people. It takes all of my skill to hide that.

I figured Maria Ostrov was the one responsible for the photo. I mean, she was married to the Russian President, chances were high she would have the same moral compass he had. This was a true power move on Maria's part, and she knew she could manipulate the people of Russia by painting Elizabeth, and her staff, as the villains, and she accomplished it.

Moving on to Henry's predicament, I knew Dmitri would stand up for Russia and voice his love for his country after the President's passing. Dmitri doesn't hate his country, but knows if he was to ignore his orders, his sister could potentially die. I was sure he was going to pass out on his way to viewing President Ostrov's body.

I felt bad Dmitri when he was "kidnapped" to be tested to see if he could hack it as a spy because he really doesn't want any part of this. I understand they didn't have a lot of options in undercover Russian spies, but they could have tried to find someone from Russia who hates the country a little bit and wouldn't be afraid to spy on said country. 

In the end, Craig decided to use Elizabeth's troubles in Russia to his advantage and basically persuaded President Dalton to declare war on Russia. I was thrilled when Elizabeth asked Mike for the binder for she could take Craig down – it's time for this jerk to be put in his place.

The most shocking moment came when it was revealed the people who hacked into Air Force One on Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 1, had complete control of the place and could have easily crashed the plane. It's such a chilling revelation because it's being made abundantly clear someone is after the President.

It was certainly an intense hour and, with Maria Ostrov channeling Eva Peron, I can only imagine things are going to get even crazier between America and Russia. Do you think Craig is right in wanting to declare war? Or will Elizabeth be able to talk President Dalton out of it?

Did you miss out on this Russian-centric episode? You're in luck! You can watch Madam Secretary online now via TV Fanatic anytime. Just make sure to come back to let us know what you think.

On Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 4, Stevie and Harrison are thrown into the public eye when Harrison's phone is stolen and intimate photos between the two of them are being shopped around. Will Elizabeth be able to halt the sale? Find out Sunday, October 25 at 8/7c on CBS. 

The Rusalka Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

I mean you're saying even if I win, I lose?


Mr. President, with respect, Russia's already completely on edge about our intentions. We've had some pretty close calls over the last six months.
