Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 8 Review: Things We Lost in the Fire

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So, how's that for a cliffhanger?

We're left with more questions than answers by the end of Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 8.

Will Jo say yes to Alex's proposal? Will Jackson and April finally make amends? And what exactly is the relationship between Owen and Riggs?

Amelia is Worried - Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 8

I've said this before, but episodes with major tragedies like this one are almost always the right formula for Grey's Anatomy. The one focused story gives everything a backbone and keeps the characters connected. It also offers the kind of problem solving that makes Grey's Anatomy fun to watch.

Of course Bailey's solution is to turn the cafeteria into a place to treat patients when they start running out of space. Bailey always thinks outside the box, and she definitely deserves to be chief.

Meanwhile, Meredith is basically being mean to everyone, which feels troublesome. I could do without her lashing out so much. We need this character, our main character, to be someone we root for. And right now, I'm not feeling very much like rooting for her.

That's a shame, too, because when Grey's Anatomy Season 12 began, she was in a very different place. Meredith will always be "dark and twisty," and we want her to be. But, she shouldn't be so dark and twisty that she becomes a villain.

It's one thing for her to snap at Jo over and over. I accept that Meredith doesn't like Jo. I don't like her either. But I do have to say, if I was Jo, I'd be upset about Alex's priorities, too.

It's another thing for Meredith to tell Amelia that she isn't her sister. It's cold, and it's mean. Meredith can stay loyal to Cristina, and I'm glad we're still talking about Cristina, for that matter. But Meredith crosses a line in her treatment of Amelia, and it's truly difficult to watch.

Back to Alex and Jo, of course Alex makes one of the most ill-timed proposals ever. Alex has been through hell, and it would be heartbreaking to see him deal with another loss. On the other hand, I have to wonder if his character would be able to shine in a different way if it weren't for his current relationship.

Because what I'd rather see more of when it comes to Alex, is his relationship with Meredith. These are the last two of the original interns. Heck, they're in a very small group of the original cast members. So the kind of thing that Jo is complaining about, with Meredith crawling into Alex's bed to talk about her problems? That's the stuff I want to see, and that's the stuff that makes me nostalgic for early Grey's.

We're also still left with the question of where April and Jackson's relationship stands. My general opinion on this has been that I want it resolved, either for better or worse. However, their struggle has been drawn out for so long now that it's going to be incredibly unsatisfying if they don't make amends.

The biggest question, though, has to do with Owen and Riggs. What we do know now is that Riggs and Owen are family, at least in some capacity. The guess? That Riggs must be Owen's brother-in-law. Still, if that's true, and why exactly that matters, is left for us to wonder.

Other Thoughts:

  • Was that really a Backstreet Boys cover this time? I have no words for this.
  • Richard and Arizona's new dynamic is fabulous. I hope we get to see more of Richard's wing man skills.
  • Amelia lets Riggs buy her a drink which is problematic in more than one way. I don't know if I can bear seeing Amelia go down that path again, though for fans who didn't see her on Private Practice, it might be useful to see her addiction issues again on Grey's,

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Things We Lost in the Fire Review

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Ashley Bissette Sumerel was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in September 2017. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 8 Quotes

I make my living off of sick babies.


Richard: Oh, and stand on the stairs when you to talk to them. Makes them feel watched over.
Bailey: Is that why you do that?