New Girl Season 5 Episode 4 Review: No Girl

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Schmidt really does love sushi!

It was a little odd going into New Girl Season 5 Episode 4, knowing Jess wouldn't be in the loft with her friends, but it seemed to work out well. It definitely proved that, while Jess is the glue which holds the friends together, they can get by without her – even with a few bumps in the road.

Let's not waste anymore time and discuss, "No Girl."

Winston continues to be the MVP of New Girl. It doesn't matter what situation he is in, he makes it hilarious.

I wasn't shocked he was the one who missed Jess the most out of all the roommates. It's been no secret Winston goes to Jess for all advice on women.

I understood where Winston was coming from when it came to Casey. All of Winston's relationships have been terrible.

His track record with the ladies just isn't great. It's no wonder he would automatically assume Casey was cheating on him. 

I figured Casey would break up with him one she saw the photos he posted. Winston's reaction was fantastic, but he really shouldn't take Cece's advice anymore.

On the plus side, it made for some wonderful moments between Winston and Cece which is a rarity.

The great thing about not having Jess in the apartment is the different interactions between the friends. Rarely have we seen Winston and Cece discuss things without one of the other friends being around.

It's a welcomed, and refreshing, change of pace and a way for them to strengthen the relationships between each friend.

Speaking of relationships, the Nick and Schmidt relationship continued to be wonderfully awkward. I have to give Nick credit for thinking of Tokyo as the place for the bachelor party.

I knew the moment Winston asked about how they were going to pay for the trip Nick would come up with something crazy.

It was actually a pretty smart idea to rent out Jess's room while she's gone. Nick would be the one to already purchase the tickets to Tokyo before they even had the money to go.

Just when I think Nick is starting to have great ideas he goes and does something stupid – he gets credit for trying to come up with a quick solution.

I do admit it was pretty comical when Schmidt helped Nick out by trying to make the loft a boutique hotel with the friends as the staff.

Did they really think the others would be on board? I'm not really sure where Nick found these people, but I could totally watch a spin-off of the guests who stayed at the loft.

In the end, Winston and Cece's friendship grew even more. I could not stop laughing when Cece told Casey Winston died and he jumped out of the buses.

At least he was right about Casey cheating on him. I really hope they get a good girl for Winston soon.

Don't feel bad if you missed out! You can watch New Girl online via TV Fanatic anytime. Just make sure to come back to let us know what you think.

No Girl Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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New Girl Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

What? You don't think I can be supportive?


Who am I supposed to go to for lady advice now?
