Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 14 Review: Left of the Boom

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Who else needs to take a breather after those final moments? 

It shouldn't come as a surprise that Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 14 left me completely speechless and hoping Henry makes it through OK.

It's rare when a show makes me audibly gasp, but tonight's episode had me trying to catch my breath.

Before I get ahead of myself let's discuss what happened in, "Left of the Boom."

It was only a matter of time before Madam Secretary would tackle young girls joining a terrorist organization. I really liked how they started things out by having a news story and hearing what the McCord kids had to say. I enjoy hearing Jason, Alison and Stevie giving their own commentary on world events.

I appreciate how the writers portray the children. They could have easily gone down the road of them rebelling and making it a nightmare for their parents.

Instead they provide us with intelligent human beings who have their own beliefs. Do they always agree with their parents? No, but Elizabeth and Henry don't discourage their children.

I do admit I was surprised to hear Alison was involved in bullying a fellow student. It doesn't matter if someone was using her name or not. Henry was right to be disappointed with the way Alison handled things; though I was happy to hear Alison acknowledge what she did was wrong. 

Alison knew she should have stood up for herself, but wanting to fit in really plays a large toll on people, especially teenagers. At least Henry was there to listen to her while providing some good advice. It's really no wonder why the teachers at Alison's school have fallen for Henry and his charm. Elizabeth really is one lucky woman.

Speaking of Elizabeth, I was glad President Dalton made it a point to say Elizabeth was in charge of the uranium heist. The relationship between President Dalton and Elizabeth has been so dicey this season, but I'm pleased to see it getting better.

Even though the heist was serious, I had to chuckle at Walter and his talk of not having real cups on the first floor.

I was extremely impressed by the knowledge Walter brought to the table, especially after Jay did his own investigating. Walter brought up some wonderful points about looking past the noise and seeing the truth. I knew Walter's information would lead the team to exactly where the uranium was being held.

Of course my favorite moment was Elizabeth surprising the Prince of Saudi Arabia with the information she collected from the FBI. I've always admired the way Elizabeth just lays everything out in the open. She knows how to be firm without completely offending those from whom she's trying to get information. 

Was anyone else really surprised when it was revealed the American girls were recruited by the terrorist group to attack Saudi officials? These are two girls who willingly joined a terrorist group – of course they were going after people.

They really should have done more investigating into what these girls were doing and they should not be trusted.

In the end, it was revealed the terrorist group the two American girls were joining was behind the uranium heist. Elizabeth quickly put two and two together to figure out there was going to be an attack on Nora at her speaking engagement.

It was an incredibly heart racing moment when the young girl ran into the room and detonated the bomb. 

Don't feel bad if you missed out! You can watch Madam Secretary online now via TV Fanatic anytime. Just make sure to come back to let us know what you think.

Left of the Boom Review

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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (39 Votes)

Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

A little early in the morning for the worst of humanity.


Oh come on, they couldn't join the girl scouts?
