New Girl Season 5 Episode 13 Review: Sam, Again

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Apology brownies don't work on everyone. 

On New Girl Season 5 Episode 13, Jess finally found herself a job which turned out to be a perfect fit for her, but things can't be easy for our favorite girl.

At least we were treated to a very interesting visit from one of my favorite ex-boyfriends, Sam; though I could have done without the unkempt hair and beard.

Let's get right down to it and discuss, "Sam, Again."

Quarantine - New Girl

I'm not the only one who started cracking up when Nick immediately got sick, right?

I had a feeling Nick would succumb to some type of illness after bragging so much. It's actually pretty shocking Nick has never gotten sick considering how disgusting he can be.

I couldn't blame the roommates for putting Nick in quarantine, but it got even better when Cece was forced in with him. I have to admit, I never realized Nick and Cece haven't really spent a lot of time together. 

One of the main reasons I am really enjoying this season of New Girl is because of the different pairings.

It seems like they're making an effort to put characters together who have rarely shared screen time. It's certainly a refreshing change and gives us a different perspective on the characters. 

The only thing I really disliked about the whole quarantine thing was Winston pretending to be sick to get out of his date.

When will Winston grow a some confidence? At least he realized he was being ridiculous, but I knew the moment he escaped the room he would somehow get Schmidt sick. It was all really predictable. 

Who else felt like the progressive school was the best place for Jess?

From the feelings room to the chicken coop, I could really see Jess grow as a teacher. It was also a brilliant idea to cast Lucy Punch as the principal, but I knew something would happen to mess with Jess's plans. 

I knew the moment Sam made his appearance things would get awkward quickly.

I don't think anyone was shocked when Jess decided to ignore his friends advice and go talk to Sam. It was so hard watching her talk with Sam, and Genevieve, while also trying to plead for her job. 

The whole apology between Nick and Sam was hilarious.

The moment Sam punched Nick I knew Jess would put together her own feelings farm. I have to admit I was a little moved by the things Nick said about his relationship with Jess. I'm still really curious if they'll eventually go down that road again. 

In the end, this was just not a memorable episode of New Girl.

There were some funny moments, but everything was extremely predictable and I felt like it was more a filler episode. The only good thing to come out of it was Jess getting the job she deserved. 

Now it's your turn! Do you think Nick and Jess will give it a go? Is Jess being at a progressive school a good thing? 

You still have time to catch up before the season finale. Go watch New Girl online now via TV Fanatic. Just make sure to come back to let us know what you think. 

Sam, Again Review

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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (8 Votes)

Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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New Girl Season 5 Episode 13 Quotes

I'd give you a hug, but my shirt smells pretty weird today.


I'm not gonna get sick. No germ can live in a body that is 65% beer.
