Supergirl Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Survivors

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Poor Hank. 

That's about all I can muster after Supergirl Season 2 Episode 4. He thought he found the woman of his dreams, but he was completely wrong about her, and it showed us another side to him. 

Seeing this vulnerable side to him has been a refreshing change. Thus far, he's been a very straightforward guy that wanted people to follow the rules. He thought there was no chance of him finding love, but coming across M'gaan made him change his stance on that. 

Fight Club - Supergirl

It was clear throughout that M'gaan was keeping things from J'onn. There was just something about her that didn't add up.

It sure seems like she's going to be causing a lot of trouble in the coming weeks. 

The villain of the week was Roulette, but something tells me we've not seen the last of her quite yet. Dichen Lachman is one my favorite actresses, so this was the episode I was waiting for. 

She was great in the role, but the character was hardly scary. She's a connected woman who knows where to go to get things done. It seemed a little too easy that Lena Luthor just happened to go to boarding school with her, so I'm now very much thinking that Lena really is a villain and is in cahoots with Roulette. 

Nothing can really be a coincidence when a Luthor is concerned.

Also, why the heck is Lena giving Kara walk-in privileges to her office? Even Kara noticed that was a bit odd. I just can't wait to see what Lena asks of Kara in return for giving her the details about where the party was being held.

It sucked Roulette got away with all of her crimes, but it did show us just how corrupt National City could be. It would have been funny if Maggie did plant something on her just to see her reaction. 

Alex and Maggie's friendship seems poised to develop into something more. I can't be the only one who has been noticing the chemistry between the pair. 

Deep down, it seems like Alex knows her feelings for Maggie are developing, and I think that's why she was inviting her out for the drink. She wanted to get to know her better. 

But then came the gut punch moment when Maggie's girlfriend appeared. Let's just say the girlfriend won't be around come mid-season.

Heck, I'm surprised she didn't just give up when she witnessed the chemistry between Alex and Maggie.

Elsewhere, we got a lot more intel on Mon-El. The flashback to Daxam was really needed to show the severity of what went down there. We already got to see what went down on Krypton, so it made sense to help us get to know Mon-El. 

It was a great idea for Kara to take him under her wing. She was totally right when she referred to the fact she was sent to Earth to protect Superman, but things changed. 

Mon-El seems like a great character. All of his scenes with Winn were hilarious. I especially liked the one with him possibly breaking an arm in the bar. 

Winn was completely crazy to even entertain the idea of taking him out, but it gave Mon-El the chance to let off some steam. If he didn't go out, there's a good chance he would have ditched the DEO and made an escape for good.

All of the stuff with him trying to manipulate Winn was freaking hilarious. It would be good to see what name and costume Winn could create for him. 

"Survivors" was another solid episode of this sophomore drama. The show is continues to improve by the week, and I can't wait to see what comes next for the characters. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Kara looked so damn jealous of the Alex/Maggie connection. 
  • Kara going to her boss without sources was completely dumb, but the way she handled it in the end was pretty great. 
  • Did anyone else forget about Jimmy until the promo for Supergirl Season 2 Episode 5 aired during the credits?
  • Can someone give J'onn a hug and tell him it's all going to be okay?

Remember you can watch Supergirl online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up right now!

Survivors Review

Editor Rating: 4.8 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (57 Votes)

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Supergirl Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Hank: I appreciate the concern, but I'm okay.
Kara: Don't make me pout.

Alex: Danvers.
Maggie: Wanna come see a dead body?