Nashville Season 5 Episode 19 Review: You Can't Lose Me

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Nashville really needs to cut us some slack with these sad storylines.

Similar to Grey's Anatomy, I feel like I'm crying every week.

On Nashville Season 5 Episode 19, we said good bye to a character we hadn't even met yet.


Pregnancy Complications - Nashville

Scarlett lost her baby girl. Sweet Amelia Rose.

It had nothing to do with being pushed during the robbery, although, that doesn't make her feel any better. Actually that probably would have been easier to accept. A reason; someone to blame.

Instead, all she is told is, it happens. Obviously, that does nothing to comfort her.

In fact, nothing and nobody can. Not Deacon or Gunnar. She just wants to be alone because she feels like a failure; like she should have done something to keep her baby girl safer.

I’ve got no memories. I never even got to tell her her name. All I’ve got is the blanket they wrapped in her when I asked to see her.


Luckily, she finds an unexpected confidant in Jessie. Turns out, she's been through this before — twice.

While I love that Scarlett had someone who understood and could comfort her, I can't help but think it's a little too convenient.

I know Jessie's been through a lot but I hope the writers don't use her damage to connect with every character. While it forges relationships, it takes away from her emotional depth; it makes it feel like a plot tool rather than an endearing characteristic.

Still, she's growing on me.

Jessie: You confided in me about your niece and the next thing you know I'm bringing her tea. What kind of weirdo does that?
Deacon: A kind weirdo?

When she made Deacon feel bad about questioning her motives, I tried to remind myself, she was just trying to help. Even if she did seek out a virtual stranger to talk about a deeply personal issue that nobody was supposed to know about.

She was trying to help Scarlett, I know that, but there are boundaries. Or there should be.

With all that Scarlett went through these last few episodes, she was a bundle of strength tonight.

She told Gunnar exactly what she needed — to be alone. She didn't push away Jessie, the only person who could understand. She went to Gunnar when she realized he was struggling too. Most importantly, she was honest with him.


A lot of the time it feels like I'm the only thing that keeps you happy. Then I can't be what you want me to be and I make you miserable and then I hate myself. I can't carry that weight any longer. I can barely carry myself.

Scarlett [to Gunnar]

I get it. The pressure of trying to be everything for someone is overwhelming. Especially someone like Scarlett who never really knows who she is or what she wants.

I think she truly does love Gunnar but for whatever reason, they don't react well to each other. Gunnar comes off as obsessive while Scarlett becomes even more introverted. It's like Gunnar's love is too big for Scarlett to handle.

It's a shame because it feels like they should end up together. Maybe they just have to go their separate ways to see if they'll eventually find each other again. That sounds a lot like "if you love someone, set them free" but that could be exactly what they need right now.

It may not have been Gunnar's baby, but his world was rocked too.

He loved that baby simply because it was Scarlett's. There is no doubt in my mind he would have loved that baby girl like it was his own.

He also struggled with feelings of inadequacy stemming from the robbery to the point of tracking down the teenager and beating him up. In the end that didn't help at all. He just couldn't stop doubting himself and how he handled the situation.

He kept thinking if he would have done something differently, Scarlett wouldn't have gotten hurt. But he will never know that and obsessing over it will only make him go crazy. 

That's the last thing he needs considering how lost he is already. Scarlett was right.

I’ve been so wrapped up in us for so long. I need to figure out who I am.


Aside from their relationship, what does he have going on? He used to write for other artists but I can't remember the last time he did that. He doesn't really hang out with Will or Avery that much.

He basically just follows Scarlett around. He wants to love her so much he's completely forgotten the rest of his life. Even his career is wrapped up in her.

Going to Texas is a great idea and I'm not surprised at all that Avery was the one to come up with it. He continues to be #mangoals.

Not only is Texas Gunnar's home state, but a little distance from Scarlett and all the drama will do him good.

I had a miscarriage one week ago. So in a way I'm here saying this for her, for my daughter, because I imagined a future for her that was absolutely limitless. The only way we can get there is to strip away the secrecy and the shame because that is what makes us stronger.


Scarlett could do with some time away from him as well. She needs to concentrate on herself right now. As amazingly strong as she was at the fundraiser, I imagine she has a long, emotional road ahead of her.

At least she'll have plenty of people to help her through it.

Juliette drink in face - Nashville Season 5 Episode 19

Side notes:

  • Maddie found out Juliette stole "Water Rising" from her. The former tried to apologize but I can't help but think it was about avoiding more bad publicity rather than actual feelings of guilt.
  • Deacon and Jessie got closer personally and further apart professionally. Apparently, Jessie isn't going to be a Highway 65 artist.
  • I was a little disappointed to see Gunnar with a female in the previews. Let the man take a break — from women, from dating, from everything. He needs to hole up with his guitar, write some songs with Avery and come back with a killer album.

What did you guys think?

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You Can't Lose Me Review

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Tiffany Staton is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Nashville Season 5 Episode 19 Quotes

I knew what I was doing and I did it anyway. There's no excuse. I’m just really sorry.


I’ve got no memories. I never even got to tell her her name. All I’ve got is the blanket they wrapped in her when I asked to see her.
