Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 9 Review: One Little Tear

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Victoria Belfrey is no longer a one-dimensional character, you guys!

On Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 9, we finally got some insight into the character, and we found out whether she had any relation to Rapunzel. 

Saving a Life - Once Upon a Time

The thing that irks me about all of it is that she is Rapunzel and Lady Tremaine. Instead of being shocking, it feels a bit like cheating and a little too much out of the Once Upon a Time wheelhouse to be believable. 

She's done too many horrible things for me to take her seriously as Rapunzel. Yes, she tried to play on the side of good initially, but what she became was something rotten to the core. 

She was the one who decided to do whatever Mother Gothel said in the name of keeping her family safe, so what did she expect when she emerged from the tower to find they had mostly moved on?

Getting to see how Ella and her mother Cecilia entered Rapunzel's life was exciting and all, but I would have much preferred if someone else took Cecilia out. 

Mother Gothel - Once Upon a Time

I get that Rapunzel tried to stick to her guns and was surprisingly nice at first about the situation. It was a tough one, but clearly, she drew the line at Drizella referring to Cecilia as mother. 

I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like to have your kid calling someone else their parent and essentially cutting you out of their life, but Rapunzel still went way too far. 

Drizella is mad at her mother because of the way it was all about Anastasia, and you could tell when Anastasia was back in the land of the living that Drizella was jealous. 

It remains to be seen just how far Drizella will go to exact her revenge mission, but at least she has Gothel on her side. Gothel still needs to get some revenge on Rapunzel, so that should be fun to watch. 

Marcus Has a New Wife - Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 9

From here on out, I'll be referring to Victoria as Rapunzel since, well, Rapunzel was her original name and all three personas have now collided. If another pesky curse wipes her memory, then I may have to give up on the show. 

For a split-second, I thought Rapunzel had changed her whole stance about Lucy being with Jacinda, but I was suspicious of the teddy she left with Jacinda. 

Taking Lucy to the hospital, and making her cry was all part of her sick plan to get the tear, but I did get a little excited about Lucy not believing anymore. 

Victoria: I've missed our talks, detective.
Weaver: Did you enjoy the one with your daughter?
Victoria: To be honest, not since she was four. I only agreed to meet with her because I knew it would afford me the chance to speak with you.
Weaver:Oh, well I am flattered. But, given your ... current situation, you don't have very much to offer.
Victoria: How could i forget your skillset always comes with a price?

If you watch Once Upon a Time online, you will already know that hearing the kid whining for hours about how Jacinda and Henry need to be together because they are her parents does not make for good TV. 

It's tedious. Let's keep the kid in her Anastasia-fueled sleep until the curse resolves so she can wake up and everything will be back to normal.

We also got confirmation that Rumple is officially back and that he wants to find a way to return to Belle. While he knows that is probably not possible, it is very likely he will be talked into siding with Gothel at one point or another with some false hope. 

He's smart, and I loved that we got to see a much more human side to him during "One Little Tear." He got all sentimental about his failed relationship with Baelfire. 

Victoria: How is the search for The Guardian going? I have all the information you've long sought. You help me today... and I'll gladly share it with you. Rumplestiltskin.
Weaver: I'd say ... you've got yourself a deal. Rapunzel.

I dare say he would love to turn back the clock and rewrite all of his wrongs, but they don't make fairytales like that anymore. For now, his mission will be to try and navigate the troubling things coming to Hyperion Heights. 

Him joining forces with Rogers seemed a little too easy, and I cringed a little at Rogers saying he believed him despite how crazy it all sounded. 

It would not surprise me if Rumple has been more conscious all along and has been playing everyone because this dude is the craftiest of them all. 

This episode was a thrilling trip to the past that filled in a lot of the blanks for us. Hopefully, this is a sign that Once Upon a Time Season 7 is going to be worthwhile after all. 

I was shocked that the episode did not have Henry or Regina in it, and I still enjoyed it. Who would have thought it?

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Marcus did not waste any time before jumping into bed with Cecilia, did he? Did he really search for Rapunzel for as long as he implied? I think not. 
  • Henry will be the only one who can wake Lucy. It's so obvious, and that will somehow break Jacinda and Henry's memories to allow them to be a family again. 
  • The scene with the ice was predictable, but it was very well acted. Rapunzel was shocked that Marcus would pick Ella over Anastasia, and that's part of why she was tipped over the edge. 
  • What role will Zelena have to play in all of this because the promo for Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 10 essentially confirms Regina and Henry are off to visit her. 
  • The lanterns were for sure a nod to Tangled. 

Over to you, Once Upon a Time Fanatics. What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!

Once Upon a Time airs its fall finale on Friday, December 15 on ABC!

One Little Tear Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Victoria: I've missed our talks, detective.
Weaver: Did you enjoy the one with your daughter?
Victoria: To be honest, not since she was four. I only agreed to meet with her because I knew it would afford me the chance to speak with you.
Weaver:Oh, well I am flattered. But, given your ... current situation, you don't have very much to offer.
Victoria: How could i forget your skillset always comes with a price?

The women from that Netflix show look better in orange.
