Supernatural Season 13 Episode 11 Review: Breakdown

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It's great having the guys back.

As much as I love Jody, I was thrilled to have Sam and Dean back on Supernatural Season 13 Episode 11. They certainly got the blood pumping in the first few minutes. I had to make sure I was still watching Supernatural and not an episode of Criminal Minds. 

While the storyline started out incredibly intense, it took me a moment to really get into it. We knew there was going to be a supernatural element, but it took way to long to get to the main point of the story; though once it got there, it really took off. 

Searching For Her Niece - Supernatural

It was interesting seeing a different, and fresh, twist with the monster of the week; though I wouldn't call him traditional monster we're used to.

I'm actually rather shocked it has taken so long for someone in the monster community to market human body parts online, in eBay style, to other monsters around the world -- monsters do use the internet, too. 

Who else figured out Clay was the bad guy? Sam and Dean have been on the FBI Most Wanted list, and while they are technically dead to the FBI, you would think a seasoned agent would know exactly who Sam and Dean were. It wouldn't make any sense if it turned out he was a legitimate agent -- he had to be the bad guy. 

Did anyone else laugh a little when Clay, posing as the butterfly, announced Sam's heart as the next auction item? The whole theatrics behind it, and seeing the other monsters watching, was kind of comical; though it was pretty impressive seeing Dean come in to save the day. 

I was enjoying seeing the different side of Donna. We've gotten so used to seeing her be the positive one or the one who tries to make light-hearted jokes out of certain situations, but it was refreshing to see the more maternal side to Donna.

I've really enjoyed seeing Donna becoming part of the family -- she's a great addition. 

Was anyone else a little angry about Donna and Doug, or was it just me? 

I was hoping after Doug expressed his feelings for Donna to Dean, he would stick by her. It was heartbreaking seeing him take Donna's hand away from his when she said they could leave together. 

Of course, I did understand where he was coming from. Doug is a man who wants to uphold the law, and be a police officer first, the last thing he wants to do is fight monsters.

While I felt terrible for Donna, I felt equally awful for Doug -- they both got their hearts broken, but Doug knew he wouldn't be able to do what Donna was doing. 

After everything Donna had just gone through, she didn't need to be reminded how depressing the life of a hunter can be. I got what Sam was trying to say, and I do agree with him to a point, but there are good things which come from doing what these guys are doing.

I am not in the mood to deal with a grumpy Sam -- we've dealt with it before, and it is not fun. 

The guys have gone through far worse, and have come out on the other side, but it seems as though Sam has forgotten the good things. I know, I know, he's sad about his mom, but he needs to keep the faith they'll find a way to get to her. I hate to see Sam so down on this life. 

Of course, I also see what Sam is saying in there is only one way out, and it doesn't end well. As much as I hate to say it, Sam and Dean will probably leave this world fighting the good fight like the other hunters before them, but it's no reason to give up on trying to find happiness -- even if it's in the smallest things. 

This ends one way for us, Dean. This ends bloody. It ends bad.


In the end, my biggest complaint was there wasn't enough action. It took way too long to get to the point of what they were trying to do, and it felt like everything was rushed in the last 20 minutes -- they really could have done so much more with this unique storyline. 

Now it's your turn to tell me what you think. Did you think the episode felt rushed in the end? Did you like the monster of the week? What are your thoughts on Sam's attitude this week? Let me know what you think the comments below. 

Don't forget, you can re-watch the Winchester's whenever you want. Go watch Supernatural online now via TV Fanatic!

Breakdown Review

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Rating: 3.9 / 5.0 (52 Votes)

Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Supernatural Season 13 Episode 11 Quotes

Donna, hey, what happened, it's not your fault.


Sorry for calling you guys, but Jody has her hands full with the girls.
