Watch Black Lightning Online: Season 2 Episode 12

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Did Jennifer get some sweet revenge?

On Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 12, the teenager had to confront her demons following Khalil's death. 

Feeling somewhat responsible for the death of her boyfriend, someone managed to get her to channel her rage at the person who killed him. 

With that, it put Jennifer on a path straight to Tobias. 

However, her family realized that this could be her final fight if she pushed herself too far. 

Anissa, Lynn, and Jefferson desperately tried to save Jennifer's life before she went past the point of no return. 

Broken Heart - Tall - Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 11

Elsewhere, Henderson started to realize who was at the helm of the criminal underworld in Freeland. 

Was he being fed information by someone who wanted one of our heroes dead?

Use the video above to watch Black Lightning online right here via TV Fanatic. 

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Odell: Make it quick.
Lynn: Why are you having me followed? Are you following my whole family? My research team?
Odell: And here I thought you were happy to be alive and came here to thank me for saving your life.
Lynn: I do thank you.
Odell: How’s your daughter?
Lynn: She’s fine. They didn’t shoot her. She fainted, so it looked like she did.
Odell: Fortunate. Dr. Stewart, you have been invaluable to the pod kids, but you’re still not being honest with me ... and I don’t have time for it.

Anissa: She wants time to be alone.
Lynn: Alone is good until it’s not good. Isolation feeds depression and addiction. I feel she needs her family right now.
Anissa: You and Dad always think you know what’s best for us. What if it’s not true? What if ... every once in a while we know what’s best for us?
[Anissa gets shot]
Lynn: Anissa! Oh my God!