Watch The Flash Online: Season 5 Episode 17

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Did Team Flash manage to save Vickie Bolen?

On The Flash Season 5 Episode 17, tensions flared up when the team learned that the suburban mom was in danger. 

However, things took a turn when they realized the mom was hiding abilities from her family. 

As she struggled with the true extent of her powers, Barry tried to make her understand that it was not the end of the world. 

Meanwhile, Nora finally realized that she needed to come clean to her parents about Thawne. 

Killer Frost Worries - The Flash Season 5 Episode 16

How did they take the life-changing news?

Use the video above to watch The Flash online right here via TV Fanatic. 

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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