Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Say It Ain't So

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Max and Liz weren't the only ones looking into Jenna's disappearance on Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

Disguised as an FBI agent, Jenna's sister, Charlie, arrived in town hoping to find answers on Jenna's whereabouts. 

But with some help from Jesse Manes, the trio discovered that Jenna wasn't just missing, she was taken. 

Alex - Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

Jenna was searching for her missing sister, but the roles were reversed when Jenna was kidnapped on her quest. 

How ironic is it that Jenna had to go missing, too, for her sister to be found?

You're Charlie. Jenna Cameron's sister.


They didn't even get to have a conversation after all was said and done. 

It was the first we've seen of Charlie, and she's a compelling individual whose motives need to be further explored. 

Iris - Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

Before "Say It Ain't So," viewers knew next to nothing about Jenna's sister.

The only information we had was what Jenna had shared.

Her involvement with Deep Sky is still blurry, and Charlie's intentions are definitely questionable. 

What can be safely assumed about her is that she cares about her sister above all else.

Unless she was putting on one hell of a show, Jenna is Charlie's top priority. 

I never thought I'd see her again. Thank you.


The car alarm and blinding light in Charlie's final scene with Max seemed to imply some sort of alien activity. 

But it's also the hundredth time that Roswell has tricked viewers into thinking that someone is about to get abducted, so the ending of the episode is more than likely related to Deep Sky. 

Rosa - Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

While I've found Jenna's storylines rather dull in the past (due to my inability to connect with her character), the hour surrounding her disappearance didn't bore me in the slightest. 

However, Jenna wasn't in most of it, and Max and Charlie carried the entire plot. 

None of this is to say that Jenna is a poor character. There was just never anything particularly gripping about her in a series about aliens, surgeons, and scientists. 

But now that she has a mysterious mark on her and a connection to Deep Sky, her storyline just got more interesting. 

There's no way that Max is going to allow Jenna to go through it alone. As he said himself, they're partners. 

Jenna: You found me?
Max: Of course I did. We're partners.

Max and Jenna made a great team and were friends with benefits before Liz came back to town.

Even though Jenna and Liz have become friends and Jenna seems accepting of her relationship with Max, we know how much Roswell loves a good love triangle. 

Max and Jenna's scenes didn't imply much between them other than friendship, but it's hard to tell with a series that is so often focused on relationship drama. 

Agent Powell - Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

Hopefully, Roswell will realize that they don't need to shove every character together romantically.

Right now, it feels as if Liz and Michael are the only platonic relationship on the series. 

On Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 7, Michael expressed his worry about Maria's newfound abilities. 

But Maria DeLuca has never been one to back away from a challenge, and she wants to fully indulge in her powers rather than run away from them. 

At first, it seemed implied that Maria's normalcy was what attracted Michael to her in the first place.

Paintball Date - Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

However, "Say It Aint' So" cleared that up for good. 

Michael: I came here to give you a speech on how much of a selfish idiot I am. I know you can handle yourself. It's hot as hell, actually. But the thought of something bad happening to makes me feel like someone's standing on my chest.
Maria: Hey, I promise I am not gonna leave you alone. You trust me?
Michael: Yeah. I guess that means I gotta let you explore this weird alien stuff.
Maria: Yes you do.

'Ship wars aside, it was all too easy to feel Michael's fear of losing Maria. 

Despite having Max and Isobel, Michael has felt alone his entire life. 

Searching - Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

His turbulent relationship with Alex might have even served as a reminder that people can easily walk out of your life, and he doesn't want that happen with Maria. 

But Maria's abilities aren't about Michael.

They're about Maria discovering who she is and what she's capable of.

Thankfully, Michael came around, and he's going to support Maria in her quest. 

And, as it turns out, Maria's deep dive into her identity might be what helps Michael and Isobel connect with their background, too. 

Max - Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

The little boy who lived with Michael's and Isobel's mothers was right under their noses the whole time. 

Will he finally provide the answers the two have been seeking?

The better question seems to be whether he will he be willing.

Similar to other episodes, the hour ended with a cliffhanger that will keep viewers' heads spinning. 

Forrest - Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8

Stray Thoughts:

  • Kyle was the missing link this time around. It's rare to have an episode without at least one main character MIA.  
  • It's understandable why she didn't, but Rosa should have been checked into rehab earlier. Sadly, addiction isn't usually something you can fight on your own. 
  • Was there a point to Rosa's dreams? Was a means to show her the things she truly wants in life or were there more to them?
  • Alex and Forrest are cute. There's no way around it. It's also satisfying to see Alex with a person who wants to be with him, too. 
  • Now that Rosa has Maria's necklace, what's going to happen if Maria loses control?

It's your turn, Roswell fanatics! What did you think of "Say It Ain't So"?

Drop a comment down below, and let us know your thoughts and predictions for the rest of the season.

And don't forget that if you missed the episode, you can watch Roswell, New Mexico online right here at TV Fanatic!

Roswell, New Mexico airs Mondays at 9/8c on The CW.

Say It Ain't So Review

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Roswell, New Mexico Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Rosa: You're asking me to wear a costume for the rest of my life.
Isobel: Well, don't think of them as clothes. Think of them as possibilities. [picks up a dress] Dress for a life you want. So, this little lady, she is the highest-earning professional poker player in the southwest.
Liz/Rosa: Wowww.
Isobel: Ante up! [picks up another dress] Or, this bad bitch. She makes party favors for bachelorette parties. She can make literally anything into a penis. Think of it as a clean slate.

Michael: You said you were 18 when your mom started getting sick, right?
Maria: She gave it to me as a gift for my graduation.
Michael: If this prevents you from having more episodes, it probably stops the neurodegeneration process, too. It's not kryptonite, Maria. This is preventative medicine. Keep it on.