Watch Chicago Fire Online: Season 9 Episode 12

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Who helped save Mouch's neighbor?

All eyes were on the mysterious hero on Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 12 after an impressive save.

Herrmann respond - Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 12

Fortunately, there was a lead in the case, but there was also a major caveat.

Meanwhile, Boden lead another group of firefighters to save a group of civilians from a fire that could have been prevented.

Elsewhere, Casey checked in with Severide.

Use the video above to watch Chicago Fire online right here via TV Fanatic.

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 12 Quotes

Herrmann: Nice, you ever think of applying with the CFD.
Mason: No.
Herrmann: You can tell me to mind my own business, and I’ll hit the road, but I have been doing this long enough to recognize raw talent. What happened? You got hurt? Whatever it was, you’re still young enough. You can always apply with the CFD.
Mason: No, I can’t.
Herrmann: Why not?
Mason: Because I was a firefighter in prison. The CFD won’t hire felons.

Casey: I’d have to quit the CFD, obviously.
Brett: Hey, Matt, slow down. He said it was possible, not that it was certain, right?
Casey: Right.
Brett: So we don’t know anything yet. We’ll get the MRI and go from there. It’s going to be OK. No matter what we’ll figure it out.