Cherry is Scared - DW S1 E8 - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8

Cherry is scared as Sutekh attacks on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8.

Mrs. Flood Has Plans - DW S1 E8 - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8

Mrs. Flood has plans that are interrupted by Sutekh's deadly dust on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8.

Season 1 Ending Explained - DW S1 E8 - Doctor Who

Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8 resolved some mysteries but left one hanging.

Swearing to Stop Sutekh - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

The Doctor swears to stop Sutekh no matter what it takes on Doctor Who S1 E8.

Determined to Stop Sutekh - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

The Doctor is determined to stop Sutekh's reign of terror on Doctor Who S1 E8.

Using the TARDIS in The Fight - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

The Doctor uses the TARDIS to fight Sutekh on Doctor Who S1 E8.

The Doctor Contemplates His Next Move - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

The Doctor contemplates his next move after Sutekh unleashes destruction throughout London on Doctor Who S1 E8.

The Doctor Blames Himself - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

The Doctor blames himself for the death and destruction on Doctor Who S1 E8.

Destruction Spreads Everywhere - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

Destruction spreads everywhere once Sutekh begins his reign of terror on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8.

Ruby is Upset - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

Ruby is upset by what she sees in the Time Window on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8.

Ruby Joins the Battle - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

Ruby joins the battle for the survival of the universe on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8.

The Only Thing to Do Is Fight - Doctor Who S1 E8 Season 1 Episode 8

Melanie convinces the Doctor that the only thing to do is fight Sutekh on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8.

Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

There is nothing left to do but fight.


Doctor, it's Kate signing off with thanks and love. Send this monster back to hell. Because one day there will be birds. I must believe there will be birds again.
