If you want all of the latest and greatest Doctor Who quotes there is no other place to be but the Doctor Who quotes page for TV Fanatic. Period.

The Doctor: Dying defines us. Snow isn't snow til it falls.
Ruby: Snows.
The Doctor: It all melts away in the end, but something stays. Maybe the best part.

Do you get it? Do you get, get, get it? You declared war on an empty planet. There are no Kastorians. They're not in the mud. They're not in the fog. There's just an algorithm maintaining an acceptable casualty rate in the face of nothing at all.

Doctor: It's just the adrenalin rush. I need to calm down. Slide... slide...
[The Doctor begins glowing]
Ruby: What's happening?
Doctor: I'm happening. It's me. I'm the explosion.

Doctor: This is Ruby and I'm the Doctor
Splice: That's not a name.
Doctor: And I'm not really a doctor. You're good. Most people don't even notice that.

It's vacuum drones, that's all, Hoovering up the smoke so no one can choke to death before they can be safely shot.

Ruby: Why does a landmine have lights on it?
Doctor: Capitalism.
Ruby: Excuse me?
Doctor: Flashy lights play well in a showroom. Modern warfare. Death by salesmen.

Doctor: Everything's fine.
Ruby: Who said it wasn't?

Vader: Let me smell so I can see if your breath is minty fresh. Liar! You didn't brush your teeth.
Splice: How can you tell what my breath smells like over comm?
Vader: Dad skills.

More fog. Maybe the Kastorians are made of fog. That's why we never see them.


Maestro: Are you enough of a genius?
Doctor: Oh I would never call myself that. But I have loved and I have lost. And I can only smile like this because I have lost so much. And if that's where music comes from, I can find the chord to banish you.

I think without music, the human race goes sour. Without a way to express a broken heart, they go to war and don't even know why.

The Doctor: I told you when I met you, fighting the Toymaker took everything. He tore me in half.
Ruby: But you survived.
The Doctor: He literally tore my soul in half. I can't survive that again.

TV Fanatic tracks quotes for Doctor Who. That's right, we have an entire Doctor Who quotes page that spans multiple episodes and multiple seasons. Heck, it even spans multiple Doctors (they regenerate don't you know) and different companions and companions companions. Sometimes the Doctor Who quotes are funny and sometimes the Doctor Who quotes are inspirational. There are even intellectual Doctor Who Quotes and Doctor Who Quotes that will make you scratch your head. The main idea here is that you can find every type of Doctor Who quote on this page. If you discover a Doctor Who quote is missing, you can contact us and we'll add that bad boy right into the Doctor Who quotes page so you never need to look elsewhere for your favorites again. We take this seriously. Really. So drop by any time and get the best quotes from Peter Capaldi and Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman and all the rest of the characters who have brightened our days for so long all the world over. Right her with Doctor Who quotes!

Doctor Who Quotes

There's a horror movie named Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everybody keeps invading you.

The Doctor

The Doctor: It's a risk.
Graham: Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky.
The Doctor: I have apologized for the Death Eye Turtle Army! Profusely.