The Trio - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

Liam, and Landon go way back and spend much of their Thanksgiving together ahead of the turkey day hunt.

Turkey Day Hunting - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

In an attempt to convince Landon to work for Fallon Unlimited, Fallon pulls out all the stops including wearing her best to a turkey day hunt.

Turkey Day Outfit - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

Fallon wears her best outfit to go turkey hunting alongside Liam and his old internship professor, Landon.

Mission Possible - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

Fallon shares her plan to ambush a creative director ahead of his turkey hunt with Sammy, who doesn't think it's a good idea.

Hotel Problems - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

Sammy spends all of Thanksgiving trying to save his hotel's reputation after a recent attack. Will he find a way?

Plan in Motion - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

Adam and Cristal team up to bake Blake his favorite childhood pie for Thanksgiving. But with Adam, there always has to be an ulterior motive.

I'm Back! - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

Anders finishes helping Sammy at his hotel and resigns so he can go back to his job working alongside Blake.

You're Back! - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

Blake is delighted to see his old friend and assistant Anders back at the Manor (and his job) on Thanksgiving.

Baking Together - Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7

Adam asks Cristal to help him bake a pie for Blake on Thanksgiving and though she wants to reject his offer, she ultimately agrees.

Blake Makes a Request - Dynasty

Blake makes a request of his family at Thanksgiving on Dynasty. "Shoot From the Hip" is the seventh episode of the show's third season.

Dynasty Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Adam: Are you leaving Liam alone for Thanksgiving?
Fallon: Of course you're there, lurking like an AV kid at prom.
Adam: Uhm, do you think that's such a good idea given his issues? Aren't you worried about a backslide?
Fallon: What, like Liam getting back together with Ashley? No, no. You don't go back to eating ground beef after you've had filet mignon. At least not twice.

Landon would not be ducking me if I were a man, and no one ducks Fallon Carrington.
