I'm Your Mom - Emergence Season 1 Episode 7

Emily brainwashes Piper by reprogramming her system so that she completely forgets Jo and believes that Emily is her mom.

It's Not Safe - Emergence Season 1 Episode 7

Alex has been trying to protect Mia from Piper, but he changed his mind when Mia pointed out that Piper saved her when Ed crashed the car.

That's My Sister - Emergence Season 1 Episode 7

Mia notices that Piper is being led off by a strange woman and comes to save her alongside her father and grandfather.

We're Your Family - Emergence Season 1 Episode 7

Ed and Mia help Alex as he tries to stop Emily from leaving with Piper after she brainwashed her.

Come to Me - Emergence Season 1 Episode 7

Alex puts himself in the line of danger to save Piper when she's being led off by Emily, who reprogrammed her mind.

Protecting Piper - Emergence Season 1 Episode 7

Ed and the rest of the family protect Piper when Emily attempts to kidnap her after reprogramming her memories.

Piper's New Family - Emergence Season 1 Episode 7

Emily reprogrammed Piper to forget about Jo so that she would believe that Emily took her spot in the family.

Rushing To Find Piper - Emergence

Jo and Chris rush to find Piper on Emergence. "Fatal Exception" is the seventh episode of the show's first season.

Emergence Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Emily: She's not doing what she's supposed to do.
Alan: Which is what?
Emily: Love me.
Alan: You're nuts.

Kindred: It's a thing she cares about.
Jo: And you abandoned her for what? Money. Is that what you care about?