Frasier: Whatever I did for my father, it wasn’t enough because whatever I did, I could never repay him.
Alan: And you don’t want to burden Freddy because, in your eyes, you weren’t there for him either.
Frasier: Exactly.

Frasier: Do they give out prizes for Best Father?
Alan: I believe they give out mugs, but I don’t think they’re terribly exclusive.

Frasier: Surely, there must be some sort of an alternate route to professorship, a Crane lane, if you will.
Alan: Well, you know, Olivia, Frasier, and I have the same level of education. We have the same experience as psychiatrists. We’re basically doing the same job, except that I’m a professor and he’s not.
Olivia: And you think that’s unfair?
Alan: No, I’m just gloating.

Frasier: It’ll be my time to shine once I show Frederick his gift.
Alan: Ah, a pen. Are you going to use it to write down what the present is?
Frasier: Growing up, Freddy’s favorite book was The Cather in the Rye. So, I did some legwork today, and I was able to secure this pen once owned by J. D. Salinger.

Good for you, Frasier. I’ve always admired your dewy-eyed optimism, you know, even though love’s been punching you in the face for the last, what, three decades.

Alan: We’re very proud of you. The way you’ve lurched from one failed marriage to another. I mean, I’ve lost count. It must be, what, three?
Freddy: Two, technically.
Frasier: Thank you, Freddy.
Freddy: Yeah, the third one, he just got left at the altar.

Frasier: This is a big joke. Does anything actually matter to you?
Alan: I can think of two things I actually care deeply about. My cat and you.
Frasier: I was sure you were going to say Scotch.
Alan: I know I can be flippant about things and that you've had to pay the price, so I'm sorry if I've mucked things up again.

Frasier: This place is so stuffy. I love it.
Alan: It's like the sort of place you retire to after a long day of hunting man.

Frasier: You know, when I was back in Boston, I used to be a regular at a bar, and yet…
Alan: Nobody knew your name?

Alan: I lied about the door being locked.
Frasier: What? You mean the door's been unlocked all this time?
Alan: No, no. Have a look. There isn't a door.
Frasier: You've locked me in a room without a door!

Alan: You will rue the day you fought me over Shakespeare and Middleton. You know, you have made the greatest mistake of your life.
Eve: The greatest mistake of my life was not saying I love you to my boyfriend the morning he left and never came back.
Alan: Well, you’ve made the second greatest mistake of your life.

Alan: You’re rich. You’re famous. Your students love you. For some reason, you smell naturally of sandalwood. What more could you possibly want?
Frasier: I wanted to make an impact. I wanted to realize the potential I had when I set off on this career path forty years ago.

Frasier Quotes

Alan: And how are things between you two? I remember how tense it was when he dropped out of Harvard.
Frasier: All these years later, I still don’t get it, but he’s forging his own path, and I support that.
Alan: And I believe you. Oh, look, now we’re both liars.

Alan: I still can’t believe how big TV personality Frasier Crane walks away from his talk show.
Frasier: It was time. I told them get off your knees and stop begging. I’m already out the door.
Alan: And things with Charlotte?
Frasier: She told me the same thing. But it was for the best. After 20 years in Chicago, It was time for George Bailey to get that old bag out of the closet and see the world.